Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Importance of Conscience in a Life of a Man

The most important word for a human being is conscience.  

If no conscience, there is no human being.  

This is a catalytic ingredient that aids transformation into a human being, 

and because it sounds too simple and confusing at the same time, we rather disregard this completely.  

And as a result, our spiritual life is built by ego, in Π° mental space, 

this is why in the times of great pressure most of us collapse and feel disempowered, 

or on the other side, some of us get hardened more into power trip of the ego. 

Look around and you know this is true. 

Real human being at those times feel and act from conscience, 

even if it cost him everything

on this plane.  

He concerns only with the purity of his Soul.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Confused who is woke and who is awake and what the hell is going on?

I know, it is probably confusing to hear about waking up, and some people think they are woke, people really wholeheartedly think they are woke, awake, and whatever else label they use to describe themselves. I believe people talk about all kinds of things. Yes, you can be woke because you are not sleeping in your bed, you see. So there is a subject matter to which we think we are awake or woke to. These subjects are so different.

Some people woke to the situation with the energy crisis, with social injustices and so on, and they think they are woke because others do not see what they see. Other people awake to the illusions of the gov. structures, of the narrative that we grew up with believing the history, education and all kinds of facts that are proving themselves to be not true. There are people awake to the danger of following these narratives and there are people who believe in them and think they are awake also. It seems everyone woke or awake right now, on some subject matter.
At these times its a complete chaos in the outer life and also in the inner life of a man, and this chaos is not incidental, but we won't go there now. We are talking how almost everyone think we are woke and awake, and yet we all are deeply asleep. We don't really know what human being is, we don't know how we ended up here in this life and what we are really here for, we don't know how our mind and our psyche operates, we don't know how automatic our thinking, feeling and actions are, we don't know beyond what we know, and what we know is limited by those narratives that we were subjected to through life.
The biggest narrative that closes our perception if the idea of being separate me, it really messes up with who we are and as simple as it sounds it completely lead us away from ourselves. Now, on top of that there are all kinds of narratives about life, social structures, values, all kinds of history and etc...this is where all kinds of differences lay, depending on what narrative you have been subjected to. This is the level where people fight who is woke and who is not. Because there is so many components this fight can be endless and still keep everybody asleep to what is real and who we are, and still remain subject of conditioning with narratives put into through the media machine. I hope you got this and will look deeper.
Though the matters of outer life are serious right now, and to discard them as not that important is not smart, it is good to know whats going on and why to even stay sane right now and alive in a future to have an opportunity to go deeper to know real vs illusion, to have an opportunity to wake up from all the illusions (at least what is possible on this plane of being for a man who has a call to know thyself) ❤

Friday, August 5, 2022

I am in love with this journey


The last couple of years really wear me energetically and physically. I put a lot of energy into waking people up in a very intense times by using fire energy. Not managing my energy correctly, this backfired on me, and I lost vitality. I mostly became recluse again and this brought necessary silence and fire for an inner healing, and once again I found myself sitting with pain day after day, having only ]myself, a pen and a notebook. It is full of deep explorations of the human psyche and maybe one day it will become a book. For now - this was my lifeline, my own descend into unexplored corners of my being.

The human journey is not linear and the best representation of it I found visually is a Labyrinth. By Grace, one can almost immediately come very close to their true nature, but the road to the center of our own heart will take a lifetime. Coming closer, walking further, getting into despair in the furthest corners of the life-labyrinth, getting complacent walking long time through the same story, getting excited and then very quiet right next to the center, only to be forced to move forward and away again and again. I am in love with this journey, and as a human being I am changing constantly, I am evolving as I walk my own labyrinth and gain more respect and compassion for my fellow travelers ❤ And for who claim they are arrived, I keep my mischievous smile, you won't fool me 😊

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Fragmenting Population Goes Futher

Those who believed in mask vs no mask, the vac vs no vac, sex gender mix vs natural genders, black lives matter matter vs all lives matter, Republicans vs Democrats, and so on - there are many fractions by now, many more components that I mentioned here. For example: those who masked, but didn’t do vac, believe in all lives matter, and a Democrat - it's just one of the combinations.
Now I am facing my circle after all the combinations above settled down once again braking - those who “stand with Ukraine” vs those who are supporting denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. Now, the newest component arrived: snake venom theory is true vs not true... the fragmentation goes deeper and the fragments of circles of likeminded people that remain are getting very small.
This is the main plan of a power elites right now on this planet - to break the families and communities - and it works like a Swiss clock. Please be aware of this.
What can be done? I don't know yet, but I see vac/no vac and mask/no mask people have less opposition by this time - this is good! Ukraine subject is too hot for the moment for many, but it might cool off at some point, when more people start to see that it's not Russia against Ukraine, but the same cronies by the same chess board, just a different game. If we as people stay true to our conviction, but open to new information, then there is a chance our conviction can shift in a future, and we can drop the resistance. We might drift away from some people completely, but if love remains in our hearts toward people with different convictions, this is wholesome place to be. ❤

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Transmutating Pain

My homeland is Russia and Ukraine, I can’t separate them in me.
Yesterday in my bed falling asleep, I felt all the Pain.
I saw if you are not on one side or the other,
you have to be able to hold ALL the pain
arising out of this conflict.
This pain is not painful, it's detonates you.
It's a deepest Love and Compassion that ascends,
and you weep without tears.
Then you stare at the ceiling,
unable to change a thing.
We grew up on a land that remembers WW2,
we ate food grown on this blood rich soil.
We have this cellular memory of war,
when its activated, it is already a real experience,
wherever you are on this planet right now.
I am talking to you, Katzapi and Xoxli.
Yes, all the rage and terror is real,
but those who can transmute it in themselves -
this is the culmination of all your spiritual practices -
to be able to hold the deepest feeling
in the transparency of awareness,
and therefore experience compassion and love
to the degree when even this deep conflict
Love remains.
At least for a moment.
And you share that moment, that love, with the world
in a silence of your own being.
You dissolve in Love.
World needs this.
Every human heart experiencing Love counts ❤ πŸ™

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