Wednesday, September 18, 2024

🙏How to cultivate the SPIRIT. Part 1: The importance of OVERCOMING

This is very important information for MEN.  This series of writings will be about the importance of Spirit in men's life and how to cultivate it. I will translate and post for you, guys.  I translate it from Wisdom holders (not any kind of spiritual teachers) from Russian language. Please read every line attentively, perhaps, read a few times. Some of you may connect. 


There is an inner and an outer overcoming. The inner is connected with overcoming within oneself the consequences of destructive influences associated with programs that extinguished the Spirit.

It is very difficult to start, but nothing is impossible, because when  an inner tension to live is created in a man, there is also a resource for this.

The following needs to be overcome:

narrowness of thinking;

the habit of thinking linearly;

postponing to later;

lack of inner self-belief when praise or approval from the outside is required all the time;

the denial of the metaphysical aspect, living a purely material paradigm of life, when the Spirit, Soul and Consciousness cannot manifest.

A man should be his own guarantor and, finally, it is necessary to overcome the meaninglessness of living. This will make it possible to begin the awakening of the Spirit, a deep resource,  creative aspect, when the Greatness of a man as a creator becomes the main focus.

This will replace the ego. 

At the same time, his responsibility is important not only for his own life, but also for the life of the space in which he is located, and for the lives of others living in this space.

It is known that everyone's duty is to defend their homeland.

It is necessary to replace the concept of duty with Responsibility, otherwise it is akin to "long" – it drags on without action, so instead, responsibility is needed.

When a man is internally ready to hold himself accountable for what is happening in his life, then the crookedness in his energy will start to disappear and the external reality will change towards the transformation of a conscious spiritual environment, that is, an environment in which the Spirit can manifest itself freely, without restrictions. The Spirit then will take over. 

It must be understood that men are once again starting to bear the Responsibility that they lost long ago and transferred to those who are now in charge, that is, the so-called global predictor.  But the whole system of the global predictor is aimed at destroying the Spirit of men. Having understood this, a man can figure out what is really happening, what is needed to cultivate in himself, and then he will be able to lead, revealing the Spirit in order for the life of the human race to continue.

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💓 How to cultivate the SPIRIT. Part 3: Where I am coming from when I post any material about Spirit, so its clear between us

While I am working on these series for men how to connect, develop and manifest Spirit, I will take the time and I will write from myself he...

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