Thursday, September 19, 2024

🙏How to cultivate the SPIRIT. Part 2: STRESS IN A MAN'S LIFE

This is very important information for MEN.  This series of writings will be about the importance of Spirit in men's life and how to cultivate it. I will translate and post for you, guys.  I translate it from Wisdom holders from Russian language. Please read every line attentively, perhaps, read a few times. Some of you may connect. 


Stress in a man's life arises from the inability to express his Spiritual heritage. Spiritual heritage is directly related to the multiple POTENTIAL that is given for this life. When a man can manifest himself through the expression of himself, when he leaves a piece of himself in what he does, creating a certain environment, then he lays the potential for the development of this environment.

Because of the Spirit, he can shape different streams of consciousness. His task is to conduct pulses of energy from sources: from stars, from suns. Because of this, he can express himself and leave this Spiritual legacy. But for this, the Spirit must be manifested. And the Spirit gathers at the highest point of Consciousness.

Therefore, it is important that nothing knocks a man from his direction, as accuracy of action is needed. Then a kind of conscious environment is formed in which everything  serves the common aim. In such an environment, the purity of the Ether and a certain holistic rhythm are maintained. That is, the environment is saturated with Spirit


-Initially, these are female conditionings that prevent the Spirit from ascending. This is all about not having self-discipline, not having male activity, the inability to live out of Honor, Valor, Dignity -these internal settings are extinguished overtime by the laziness of the Spirit. Then the man cannot touch his potential. As a result, his ego grows, he begins to measure himself with other men. That is, a man, in fact, cannot be himself.

-A man is knocked down by the whole of today's environment, which greatly restricts the Spirit, does not allow Greatness of Mind, Greatness of Spirit to form.

-A man wastes himself on sex because he wants to get sensual pleasures. As a result of excessive sexual relations, the potential is extinguished. There is a program that this must be present in life, otherwise, he's not a man. This is a great substitution, a con, that destroys the man.

-The absence of the natural environment and pure energy extinguishes the centers around the head, extinguishes Consciousness, does not allow a man to open up energetically and become great.

-Dependence on women (these are numerous mothers, babysitters).

-Non-male professions. These include office workers in particular, where it is necessary to constantly conform, adjust and bend under someone.

-Internal muddiness of the energy. When a man cannot be honest with himself, he does not live according to his conscience.

-Information failure, lack of clean information. When there is very little rhythm in it. The upper centers are knocked off by garbage information.

-Blood thinning. When children are the result of highly mixed genetics.

-But the main thing is the lack of understanding of Love. Love should be for the Sun, for the Stars, for the Earth – this is what elevates the Spirit. Love for his wife and mother follows from this, and not vice versa.

- ... (I have to omit this one point, not to have a problem with the System)

A man needs to do something and see the result of his work since childhood, so that he can overcome himself constantly. The Spirit is nurtured on overcoming, this inner work.

If he does not create anything, it causes stress and a certain atrophy of certain signals that would contribute to the appearance of the Spirit. As a result, there is a kind of amorphous environment in which there is no potential and no voltage/charge, therefore, there is no materialization of what is necessary.

From the point of view of the charge, it would be a minus (-). This is now being quietly substitute for men by technocracy. As a result, women take the lead to create great tension. Therefore, these is again happening draining of the energy competing with women.


You need to come to an internal balance, remove unnecessary things from life.

Any manual labor is useful.

It is necessary to connect with the Earth and with the Sun through cultivating the spiritual mind states.

It is necessary to lift up the Spirit.

You need to put your sexual relations in order.

You need to live according to your conscience.

You need to constantly overcome yourself in this life, go for higher all the time.

As a result of internal balance, the external natural rhythm can be restored, which will preserve the real masculine in the right quality, preserve the presence of this Spirit. Then the reformatting of external spaces can begin with the establishment of Ether in them.

All wildlife skills, all martial arts, creation of spaces where a man could realize himself, the possession and mastery of weapons. And the accumulation of attention will allow you to restore lost functions.

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