Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I am not a native English language speaker, and I don’t take words as labels for granted. I feel, resonate with words. From all the words like “greed”, “attachment”, “holding to”, sound of “grasping” feels right for the action of holding on to something when the life asks us strongly for releasing the grip. 

How do we know we are grasping? Because it doesn’t really feel good. It feels like effort, it feels like tension, it feels like control, like fear to loose something. And so

we tighten the grip.

Until it really hurts, and we forced to soften.

Then we see the gift of awareness and equanimity.

We are aware of grasping, and we fall into equanimity of letting go in any way it happens.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,

for lighting up,

for releasing tension,

for softening,

for letting fear arise and pass,

and becoming freer.

One more breath came in and out unobstructed.


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