Today I ask you to ponder:
What makes violin a violin.
Think about it for a minute.
Is it the form? The material? The name?
It is the ability to produce specific tones.
What is the highest meaning of the violin?
To play the tone in the utmost perfection possible for it,
to let the Violinist play it without generating resistance.
We are billions of the violins, and each of us has a unique tone.
Our highest meaning is to partner with the Violinist
to play our unique part,
to play it in utmost perfection possible for us.
In this simple act of surrender is the meaning of our existence.
In the willingness to live, to experience, to feel
lays our meaning of being here,
in the unique tone we play, in the music we are,
the LIGHT that comes out from our hearts,
is our Highest Meaning.
We come here, on a stage of this Concert Hall called Earth
to shine our Light forth,
to play our unique part in this Orchestra of Life,
again and again, to perfect our part,
to help others to perfect theirs,
to ignite and spark with our Light those who are close to us,
not by proximity of physical space, but by resonance.
Now, do you feel you are playing your part,
or you are hiding somewhere behind the curtain?
Do you think your instrument is not worthy to play a part?
Did you loose your notes and don’t know how to begin?
Where usually is your attention during the day, our recital?
If you are aware that you are one of us,
and you need to play your part,
but you don’t, because you are busy worrying,
busy being scared, busy thinking about money,
thinking about your troubles,
the symphony can’t be completed.
It can’t be completed without You.
Can you see the significance of your existence?
We can’t just skip your part and go on.
Even if you play your tone imperfectly - just play it,
so we all can keep going playing too.
Otherwise, we have to pause, waiting for you.
The music become fragmented.
The Light strings of our hearts needs to be activated.
Every touch on the string is needed, you can’t withdraw your part.
Living Complete Humanity is to find your true notes,
not the false copies that were passed around for centuries,
They makes us forget ourselves,
makes us think we are insignificant,
makes us doubt if our life is important,
if this day in our life is important,
if this very moment is that important? Yes, it is!
We forget ourselves and why we are here together.
The same orchestra, life after life,
different symphonies we play together,
adding our unique tone. I just did.
You, reading my words right now, and feeling,
just did too.
You dropped the thinking.
You got in touch with your depth,
You felt your unique tone. It wants to be expressed.
Instead of paying attention to the sly Conductor,
you felt the Hands you are in. Yes, those loving hands
of the Violinist.
This is how we create the music together
which left here for millennia, long after we finished our part.
This piece, you and me together,
it made that necessary impact on both of us, and on the Whole.
Just keep attention on what is important, don’t let it slip,
and be willing to play your notes,
just pick up from here and play,
even if you have just one string left.
This is the End of "The Portal".
Thank you, dear readers, for this Journey in Consciousness together π
Links to previous posts:
π₯The PORTAL. Part 4π₯ Gloom and Doom situation? NOT !! π₯The PORTAL. Part 5π₯: Stay Away From the Babushka!
π₯The PORTAL. Part 6π₯ Are You Directing your Life or you are Directed? Emotion vs Feeling
π₯The PORTAL. Part 7π₯ The Innocence We Are π₯The PORTAL. Part 8π₯ For Distressed by World Events - a Solution π₯The PORTAL. Part 9π₯ For Advanced Souls π₯The PORTAL. Part 10π₯ The Higher Meaning of Life. Service.
π₯The PORTAL. Part 11π₯ Seeing the Light in Every Experience
π₯The PORTAL. Part 12π₯ Don’t settle on Doll House Life
π₯The PORTAL. Part 14π₯ Lucid Dreaming Experiment and Contemplation on Higher Meaning of Life