Friday, November 10, 2023

🔥The PORTAL. Part 6🔥 Are You Directing your Life or you are Directed? Emotion vs Feeling

I hope by this time- by Part 6 - of The Portal, some of you are really inspired that there is a different way to approach life, even in the world full of intense events, wars, disasters and uncontrollable circumstances.  At the same time there are those who still don’t understand how it is possible not to feel sad and angry when there are deaths of innocent people happening all over this planet, but somehow you stick with me, and keep reading, and for you I am keep writing.  So stay with me, ok.  I am really trying my best for you here, trying from different angles, and if one of you, with the heart full of pain, will be able to understand and release the pain, then I am successful. 

And if any of you read this one to the end,
and something clicks in you,
and you aline with who you are,
and transformation kicks in,
then I have done well what I live for.  

Let's go! 

Most of you, my friends on Facebook, you are people who arе living the spiritual life, who think and ponder, analyze, some of you follow some kind of practice or discipline.  

By this time on Earth there is no established spiritual movement that would not be altered, even a slightly, so following blindly, you will never evolve and wake up fully.  It would be childish to think that if the planet is controlled, and human beings are following certain algorithms as soon as they are entering this plane by embedding the physical body, that spirituality is pure, potent and unaltered… And yes, we were trusting it to be such, and still, when the covedian times came, we were not able even to think clearly, some of us completely fallen into the fear, some into anger, most of us did something that we regret later, if we even a little came back to our senses.  So how that all spiritual life worked for you?  

I will try to explain what real spiritual is meant to develop in a human so you evaluate your path and decide if you want to continue it or you will make some adjustments. 

The goal of any spiritual path whatever road you choose to walk, discipline you engaged with, should be three components that you are learning and perfecting to different degrees: awareness, concentration, determination.  The most important is an awareness, but you can’t perfect it without the other two.  

You don’t have to do any kind of special disciplines to train concentration and determination, you can do it through living your everyday life, your commitments, profession, sports, and etc…but without the third component - Awareness - you will not evolve.  Here is I recommend a book “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman, it’s still one of the best stories about what I just wrote here.  He had determination and concentration perfected, like any good athlete, but no awareness.  There is also a movie made. 

To evolve you need all three so you can with time to be able to distinguish between different states of Consciousness human being can live in and actively choose in which state you want to live at the moment.

What are these states I am talking about?

First, the state of consciousness of the one that is very much engaged in life, like the character in the movie, with all his aspirations, the sensing, thinking, emotions. This is the sensual/emotional engagement in the body, your avatar

The second state of consciousness is to be the one who watches this movie, the one who sits in the theater and watches the story unfolding in front of their eyes.  The Watcher. Sometimes he/she is very much into the movie, emotionally involved in it, almost becoming that character in that movie.  Most of the times you are aware that you are watching the movie, that that character you are identifying sometimes with is not the real you, the one that sitting in the theater is you.  You are aware who you are most of the times, you are not blindly follow the script of the movie, you think and ponder, you analize. 

The third state of consciousness - you are not in the character in the movie of your life, you are not the more aware guy who is watching the movie as it goes, you are the Observer of the two, the Consciousness itself that is aware.  It aware of you engaged in life, it aware of you being aware, and it’s just rests in the state equanimity with what is going on in the movie, in the theater, it just observes. 

What this gives us in terms of possibilities of a human being?  It gives us the possibilities of being a director of our own movie in this life, if only we can raise in awareness to the level of the Observer.

This is the level I am aiming to raise your awareness to with my writings.  This is the lever of awareness necessary to live in life at these times and not be emotionally taken by the momentum of emotions of billions of people, and be happily milked by Babushka
(read: Part 5 on this). 

If you are not in that state of consciousness, then know that what’s is going on with you, is directed by someone else.  Only in the expanded state of consciousness, the bird-view on yourself and life, you are your own director.  Even a second of awareness from that state of consciousness and some decisions born  in that state, changes the course of your life.  Any prayer, intention, wish from the level of the avatar is an illusion that keeps you wishing, keeps you identified without much real changes.  One second of understanding what you as a charachter need from the perspective of the Observer, will change your life  in the direction of that need.  From inner knowing of whats needed, life will arrange around you a different environment where that need will be fulfilled.  

Now, think about it.  When you wish for a car, or anything of this sort, in what position you are dwelling?  Probably in the first. You just experience emotion to want a car: for example, jealousy, or pity, or greed. If you are in the second position, you might reason that you need a car, because it will ease your life, make it more efficient. In the third position, from the Observer, you will wish for yourself to have an experience that you didn’t live yet, to learn something new while you are here, something that will help you to fulfill the purpose of this life.  It’s the state of consciousness that has no preferences for the character, only an aim to walk this earth journey in a way you can evolve the most.  

At the same time, here, right here, is very sensitive point.  If you as Observer dwelling in equanimity has no definite aim for your character  (example would be Buddhism), then you are living your character aimless.  You live the life of a Buddhist that concerns only with neutrality, middle way, doesn’t want to have preferences, no attachments.  This is very much supported by this path.  Almost as a balancing body of humanity to the other part of humanity that is completely engrossed into material aims.  And I have a feeling that Buddhism and similar are holding the balance of this sort on the planet.  As a Buddhist you participate in holding the balance on the planet, you do not carry your individual mission, you are a member, a part of the the egregor (in Russian) - the specific aggregate.  That Aggregate is the director of your life as a Buddhist character.  You are not a director of your movie.  You are living mostly in the second state of consciousness: aware human, the Watcher in the theater of your life. 

Any Buddhist that raised their awareness to the level of Observer, quit being a Buddhist. They might continue to play this character outerly, but they know they are not it. They can direct their life without all the dogmas, they can choose to stay in Buddhism, modify their engagements with fellow Buddhists so they can wake up too, or they can choose to exit.  Buddhist aggregate is actually not that bad, it only wants your Time, lots of time. And this aggregate asks to follow the middle way, concur your worldy desires, to keep that balance to the financial aggregate where the desires are extremely supported.  Financial aggregate is the main aggregate on this planet at these times, and all other aggregates position themselves either to prepare humans to enter it without questioning it and give all their energy and time or to balance it so the world will not collapse.  

All the religion aggregates are assisting the Financial aggregate, and more powerful then balancing aggregate like Buddhism, though recently Buddhism changed his status, if you remember Dalai Lama asking a boy to suck his tong - the ritual that shown us, those who can see and read the matrix, who is who and whats really going on. 

So if Buddhism slovely but surely take your precious time on Earth, Religion aggregates wants to capture your Soul, yes, its that literary graphic.  They want to milk you in this life, and when you die, to direct your soul to certain realms where you continue to be under their jurisdiction.  They reason it that they will keep you safe from falling into the hell realms. And so some people choose this aggregate, mostly unconsciously.  Some exit on their own Will,  but, depends on their engagements in this agregate, it can be difficult.  Orthodox Christianity make it very difficult. I won’t describe the hardships and misfortunes that happen with people who decide to exit, but believe me, its can be like the horror movie, completely crazy.  This is a very big conversation, and I tell you this, I wrote about it the whole chapter in my new book, in Russian, but it will be translated next year when I am done and start publishing. 

So by these few examples I have shown you that if you are not a director of your life, you are directed,  your script is written by and directed by Egregors. And I am telling you that human being that you are and who is able to read this text to this point has a real possibility to write, direct and execute his own life, the life of his avatar, to grow in Spirit and evolving as a Soul - the quantum consciousness we are.  It is possible, but not easy.  The more of us know this, who we are, how to evolve, and we connect on that level, just knowing there are others doing this deep inner work, the more we will be able to free our consciousness from limitations, evolve and help the Whole to evolve. 

I have to come back to the world events, the necessity and possibility not to engage in them emotionally not to loose yourself in the chaos of this Reset. 

As one of the guys said when he read Part 1 that I, probably, paranoid, and the reset is not what I present, but of financial system.  I did address this one just now. If you know how the System on this planet operate, at least in general, you will understand that reset of financial system means reset of all the systems that are under the main one, and how you make reset in something that is so multidimensional?  As I mentioned before, either you flood the planet and start again from scratch, or you start to implement processes that will deeply affect different areas of life.  One of the main aims of these writings is to paint a picture for you so you get more clear whats going on and have no desire to engage in processes of reset, if you can avoid it.  And the best way to do that is to evolve, to wake up to who you are, understand the conditions present where you are, discover in your individual process what you are here for and live it.  By living it you will help others, directly, or indirectly, to evolve too. 

Remember when the Ukraine war started?  How everyone got involved in that particular Reset's process?  It was such a big hit from the wave of emotions of most of the world population, that not many escaped it.  I was taken, surely. But what I felt at that time was very big, not just a hysteria of sympathetic nervous system, not fight or flight reaction.  I was distant from my birth place Ukraine and its culture for long time, and suddenly it was all activated, all at once. My blood awoke, the specific pattern of my blood woke up, and all that I need to know and remember, and what was possible for me to access,  flooded into my consciousness. I wrote this poem:

My homeland is Russia and Ukraine,

I can’t separate them in me. 

Yesterday in my bed falling asleep, I felt all the Pain.  

I saw if you are not on one side or the other, 

you have to be able to hold ALL the pain 

arising out of this conflict. 

This pain is not painful, it's detonates you.

It's a deepest Love and Compassion that ascends,

and you weep without tears.

Then you stare at the ceiling, 

unable to change a thing.

We grew up on a land that remembers WW2, 

we ate food grown on this blood rich soil.  

We have this cellular memory of war, 

when its activated, it is already a real experience,

wherever you are on this planet right now.

I am talking to you, Katzapi and Hohli.

Yes, all the rage and terror is real, 

but those who can transmute it in themselves - 

this is the culmination of all your spiritual practices - 

to be able to hold the deepest feeling 

in the transparency of awareness, 

and therefore experience compassion and love 

to the degree when even this deep conflict 


Love remains. 

At least for a moment.

And you share that moment, that love, with the world 

in a silence of your own being.

You dissolve in Love. 

World needs this.  

Every human heart experiencing Love counts 

I experienced a lot of pressure from people who wanted me to be against Russians, wish that "Russians will become a compost for Ukrainian soil". For a moment I was feeling my orientation, leaning to this side and that side, and couldn’t hold either. To hold the view of either side, I had to be in the state of consciousness that is very much engaged in what’s going on, be in the middle of that war, trying to save myself from the bombs, or be in the army.  When you are in the middle of the physical danger, you are engaged in the body, your sympathetic nerves system takes the lead to save this avatar from being destroyed.  This is why I wrote before in one of the Parts of this series of writings: “You gotta do what you gotta do”, and when the time comes, you just do it.  But for everybody else, who is not in the middle of the event, we gotta do here what we gotta do:  and we continue our lives, our own existence in these avatars, and do what we came here to do : to evolve.  In what way, only you can discover it for yourself.  It might be from the place of the expanded consciousness you will direct the life of your character to live a life of someone who helps people in Ukraine and organizes the monetary help, or even go and join the army, or you direct your life to disengage from these events completely.  You are the one who can decide to do this or that, engage or don’t.  If you don’t decide, then it will be decided for you by the Aggregates, for example - Media.  You will be watching these events and feeling confused, discouraged, scary or angry, and, you know what happens next -  (read: Part 5 on thisBabushka is coming with her stool to sit by your side!  Whom you are helping? 

If you are in the state of consciousness of living life as an avatar, a character in the movie, then you are full of emotions, because you are so in, you got in so deep into the character, like a very good actor, you loose the perspective where is you and where is who you think you are.  But this is reserved for the people in the middle of the war zone, where their sympathetic nervous system is fully engaged. Or it's reserved for the people who are not able to raise their consciousness now, there is a lot of young souls who just working through lifetimes to this very possibility we, reading these writings, have already.  If you have the awareness of the possibilities of the human being and are actively aiming to evolve through this lifetime, and in times of crisis you are identifying with all the suffering around the world,  you are not serving or helping anyone, no one, but Babushka. 

You need to stop it.  Do what you came here to do.  Discover what you came here for.  As soon as you step out of the power of the aggregates, even for a little while, you will start to see your real aim here, or your mission, your purpose. Those glimpses will call in the necessary events and circumstances to aline you in that direction, you will start to notice your focus in life change, your values change.  If before you would engage in fear and anger emotions, sickening yourself and your body, in the expanded state of consciousness you will see all from the birds view, and will be able not to subject your avatar to the dangerous levels of stress, cortisol, havoc in the hormones and deterioration of your vehicle.  You will not experience emotions, but you start to be open to experience feelings.  

Emotions and feelings are different algorithms.  Emotion - energy in motion, it is very much in the physical realm, in the story you are character of.  Emotions are momentum in the world of the senses, they are evoked by sympathetic nervous system, a part of the avatar. Feelings are states of consciousness, they appear all at once, not dependent on the senses.  One either truly loves or not, experience compassion or not.  It can’t be more compassion or less, its just being aware of the state, these states does not belong to a human, to avatar, to thinking mind.  

These states exist and we have access to them by resonance. It’s either we are in senses and experience emotion or we are in the higher state of consciousness and experience feeling.  Feeling of Love is different from emotion of love.  Feeling of Love is constant, emotion of love depends on the reaction of the senses and evaluation of the thinking mind. By being in a state of true observation, you will not get heartless, you will become heart full, you will be in the position to actually help people, because everybody in their expanded state of consciousness emanates true feeling and performs right deed.  How these feelings and deeds actually express in your own life, you will discover for yourself.  And the world will be enriched by them, and people who will come across you, or those you direct your attention to, will be truly helped. 

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