Wednesday, November 15, 2023

๐Ÿ”ฅThe PORTAL. Part 8๐Ÿ”ฅ For Distressed by World Events , a Real Solution

Yesterday I came across a post of someone who asked about a bomb shelters in the houses, I don’t remember exactly how she phrased it, but from the message and some dialogue with people that was already there, I sensed she was very distressed.  I said that in Russia we had bomb shelters and I asked her what’s happening, why she is so distressed.  She became even more distressed because I asked her what’s going on: “You don’t know what’s going on?!!”  I realized she is one of these people who are loosing their marbles right now because world got really crazy and there is no explanation to this to people who really don’t know what’s going on.  I invited her to come to read The Portal, but she said she is busy for that.

 So I decided to write her this very part, maybe she can re-frame her involvement with news, because if she won’t be able, this will not finish well, you know, the world events will intensify and get even more crazy, what she going to do then?  And so many other innocent people who just purely have no clue what is going on really, and they probably will never know, their mind will do anything possible not to know. Too far off.  So for her and many others I am going to say some things that they might or might not be able to take, that’s would be completely up to their mind.  If the thinking mind is stronger than Consciousness, then I can’t shake that with my writings.  

The dominance in the use of the mind happens in most of the population just because this algorithm of using the mind installed in us since very early in childhood by parents and then in school, and in our parents that algorithm was installed too by their parents and schooling, this has been going for sometimes, for long times.  For the last 2000 years we are not here to be born to question why this or that, we are here to accept things as we are told. Especially the last 300 something.  We lost the connection with the real: we do not see and know with quantum properties of the Consciousness, we are not moved by Spirit, and we roll eyes if anyone mentions the Soul.  The only what we know well is our mind.  Hmm, we think we know our mind, but how many people when they start to meditate, surprised that thoughts are really not theirs, that you can observe them and not follow them, just for the starters.  So we basically know nothing much about ourselves besides reacting to the stimulus. 

Imagine that, most of the people in the world are reacting.  How easy is to direct these people to spend their lives on whatever you want them to think about.  Create a war and you know: most of the population who has access to the news would think about the war and produce certain reactions: mostly fear and anger, disempowerment and depression.  Lots of milking for Babushka to do!  Day and night, because after reacting during the day, people won’t sleep at night, tossing and turning, and feeling the same emotions.  And even if they fall asleep, they drop into dreams where these emotions are also present as they are very strong and mind carries it through the night.  Milking is going on around the clock. 

I ask you please go read Part 5 of The Portal:,

I gave there the analogy I keep using - Babushka with the bucket and a stool that comes to the barn to milk the cow.  This analogy, though not perfect, describes how our strong emotions gets used as a feed to all kind of entities.  I don’t go into details, sometimes I skip details because I myself don’t know them, or I feel its not that important to know them, the process itself is important to know: there is this process of harvesting energy, psi-energy, chi, your life force, that gets discharged with experiencing strong emotions. 

Imagine the whole world distressed and emanates these emotions, creating almost an atmospheric conditions where we are trying to lead our daily lives.  It’s not easy now not to be affected, but it is possible.  For this very reason, as I said in my previous writing, you just ignore what you don’t see, you literary choose what to see.  Don’t listen to the news, lead your life as you know nothing.  For many people, believe it or not, it will be boring, they will not be able.  Why every family now has huge TV in every room?  Because they don’t want to think and feel.  They want to be fed news and react.  This is a big part of their life.  If you tell them to shut the TV off, they would be confused how to live, they don’t know how to live without news, from TV or computer.  People degraded to a state of a bot.  Especially in the cities.  

Cities were specifically developed to cut the human being from Nature, from natural resources, from its own resources, from intuition, from connection, from Spirt.  You don’t need any of these much if you work 9-5 in survival mode to pay for rent or mortgage and you watch zombi box at night.  If people understand that the modern conveniences are not convenient, but robbing them from real life, they would not agree for such a life, but people don’t think about these things, like I didn’t when I lived in NYC and worked in a corporation as System Analyst.  

The only difference in me, probably, that I never watched the news.  When there was a StockMarket crash in 1998, I had no idea, and I just lived my life: working at Time Inc, learning to ski, study yoga, reading Castaneda, taking care of my son.  When another one was in 2000th (not sure when), I had no idea and was living even better times with my family: skiing, learning to play tennis, hiking, was inspired by teaching yoga, then meditation.  I know it is totally possible not to know what’s going on in the world, just like I had no idea what’s going on in the world when I was a child.  I am sure there were some wars and people were dying, and still, I was running around in the fields, living my own life to the fullest! 

Of cause, if the war is next to you, this is a different story, then you need to play a different ball game, you have no choice, but to fight with all your conviction, with all the fire, for your Homeland.  And if you are not on a battlefield, it is possible to lead your daily life and not regurgitate the hate stories that make you only disempowered.  How do I know?  

I have a relative in Ukraine.  She lives not right in a war zone, but she is right there, where everyone around is completely engrossed in playing the hate game with Russians, but she does not engage.  She does not talk about the war, she is focused on her garden, her flower beds, cats, her grandson, and her work with students.  She actually not only teaches them English, but teaches them to take responsibility for their thinking and their choices and decisions.  When there bombing was happening on the other side of the river where they live, she quickly closed the windows, her husband comforted the dogs and did whatever else needed, and they continued to live their life.  When the military plane was flying too low over their house, she ran outside and showed him with the feast to get out.  Imagine the sight of the woman on a ground shaking her hand with a feast on you.  Like a Universal Mother, without a trace of fear. You will comply. And the pilot did.  

You live what you want to live. But if you run fear through your system you live what you’ve got the script for - that role you are assigned.  The Quantum Consciousness you are for the fear of safety of this avatar - the body, voluntarily squishing itself into the role of the afraid and angry character. This is the problem right now on this Earth.  Not the environment, though it is very tough, but that we do not have right emanations - from our Consciousness, its dormant and kept in a captivity by the mind.  Mind is directed by the Matrix’s algorithms.  We became bots even though we are not.  

What to do?  Unplug yourself before the avatar will be unplugged.  Start with taking your TV to the dumpster.  Don’t give it to your friend, it’s like giving the drugs to them, just bring it to the dumpster.  Clean up your phone and computer from all the news apps and channels.  Clean up your social media - your Feed - from all the messages that evoke strong emotions in you.  Your Feed in social media is algorithmic: the more you watch certain topics, the more you will get just that.  There is no news in my Feed, there is no people posting about war or any kind of stuff like that. 

Take very seriously what you are given to read and take in, clean up your FB, Instagram and whatever you are using daily.  With time the algorithm adjust your Feed, which is literary what it means - a feed!  Be a connoisseur, don’t consume all you are given, leave on your plate only that which makes you feel inspired to go live life in the fullest capacity.  Then you can be helpful to others around you, otherwise they are in distress, you are in distress, and it creates a whirlpool that hard to get out from, because you stuck in that momentum of exchanging these emotions.  Choose to participate in life-giving and life-affirming exchanges, if every one of us would do just that, it would change the frequency on the planet and Matrix won't have a chance, but adjust it's algorithms. 

What if we directly, at least partially, responsible for whatever is going on on our planet by blindly following the FEED? Think about it, we have lots of humans living on this planet to make a difference, we can do it, one by one. 

Links to previous posts:

The Portal. Part 7 

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