ะvery human being is living human experiences they need to go though to evolve. We come here exactly for this - to have this field of all kinds of human experiences, just like in a big Chinese buffet, you ever went to a real big one, I went in NYC, and it was incredible selection! Surely I didn’t like everything, but there were foods I wanted to try. Just like in life, we are gravitating to the experiences where something in us can be resolved, transformed. We don’t think about people we meet and experiences that come to us in these terms, but with time, we actually do start to evaluate situations and events, people, from this angle.
When this happens, it takes care of the victim mentality, that life is not fair to us, that someone did something to us. We look at life from different perspective. Why I get this situation every time, what is that message I need to hear? The abandonment story, if anyone had that in their life scenario, knows that this is not one time event, if this happened and something inside of us clicked on it, then it will be replicated through the life: different circumstances, different people, same feeling, same pain The story will fragment itself on the similar stories and associated feelings, there will be rejection present, feeling of not good enough, low self worth, and similar. We are deep in a Chinese buffet dinner of all kinds of experiences and all kind of tastes and feelings!
From this perspective we can actually start to be more mindful of what’s in front of us, observe and analyze the situation on the plate and make some decisions. And of cause, when we are affected, we can’t observe, analyze and make right decisions, we just act out of the pain. Does it happen to me? Yes. It even happen very recently and created a bigger chaos. But sometimes chaotic movement is better than no movement, this is why I am ok with this one. It had to move, I just had not enough awareness and skill in the moment to initiate this movement in a more harmonious way.
Start approaching every situation as it is an image you are looking at, you are looking at your plate full of food, or a painting in a museum, if that works better, and look at this painting, your life situation, look with your eyes softened, see all the details, as they are painted on the canvas, canvas of life. When you look like that you will see that everybody involved just trying their best to go through this life, and all of them are in pain that they hide from themselves and others, and all of them don’t have skills to deal with life in a more harmonious way. Just like you. Just like me.
We all here in this life bumping into each other, like in a buffet when it’s full, we carry our trays full of pain and bumping our butts, trying to maneuver through. This is the state of humanity at these times. There is not much light, but there is so much pain. We don’t have to add to the pain on the trays that people carry, but sometimes it happens, and sometimes it is inevitable, most of the times it is unconscious. Me writing this is just an aim to make it more understandable so we all soften to each other. Doesn’t mean we allow others to cut the line or get all the lobster tails, but when they do, understand that they do it because they carry a tray full of pain and they just trying to compensate for this by doing some things they wouldn’t do if they would be free. Free from pain.
So we have to live these experiences and be as much aware as we can in the moment. And if we can’t in the moment, then retrospectively. The awareness is transformative catalyst, and until we are not using this property extensively, we walk through life as a victim of the circumstances, and for the victim no matter how much money we make or how much possessions we have, we will never be no satisfied with life, no happy to be alive. It’s not possible. Always will be something or someone who did something wrong to us. And most people live in this very state. Now you understand that if one is in the victim state then one always will be blaming something external. This does apply to the world scale as well.
Its gets tricky on this bigger scale, because it is much easier to see yourself as a victim, because on the other side is something bigger, the system, machine, the algorithm, that put me, us in this situation where we have wars and disasters and poverty and deaths of children. It’s actually really screwed up not to see it like this, it’s almost cruel not to see it exactly like this. How in the world one can be neutral to the world events right now! Only heartless psychopath can.
How about this illustration. You are working in the hospital, I have a friend who works in the emergency room here in our local hospital, he would get this one. You have suffering people with all kinds of conditions, wounds and pain come to the emergency room, and you have to work. Not express your emotions and become one of them, disabled, weak and suffering, but the one who enters the room, look at the patient in any condition, and smile. If he wouldn’t have compassion, he would not be working crazy shifts helping all kinds of people: clean and dirty, he is driven by this feeling, but he can’t go into the emotions, he would loose himself, loose his clarity, and be ineffective.
And in the other rooms there are many other suffering people, and they are either waiting or attended by other physicians, and he is unconcerned with them he is here, in this room, taking care of what is in front of him.
Why this example? Because there is a lot of suffering people “in different rooms” of this planet, and still we are talking about doing and feeling what’s in front of us. It doesn’t make us heartless psychopaths, it centers our energy and makes us live life fully, instead of living life in the head, in the emotions, in the virtual world with all the news.
There is another side. What many would call a conspiracy, but it is as real as telepathy. Telepathy is real, can some people transmit thoughts to another part of the world? If you say yes, then you will understand what I will say. If you think telepathy is not real, its a conspiracy, then you will never accept that such things exist in our world and you, probably should not read my texts not to get cognitive dissonance that can cause some troubles for you in your constructed reality.
You know how we get the milk? The cow goes to the field, eat some grass, comes back home. The babushka comes with the bucket and a stool. She sits on the stool and start to milk the cow. “Tswirk, tswirk”, I even now remember this sound of the milk hitting the aluminum bucket.
If you noticed that 90% of events we are hit by through the media, main or alternative, it is all about disasters in the world. It’s like you are sitting in a Coliseum in Ancient Rome, the show is never ending fight, and everybody just want the blood. Believe it or not, but people use news for adrenaline rush, because their life suck so much, they need a boost. It does happen unconsciously, of cause. Those in Coliseum also unconsciously cheered for blood.
All the news in the world aim to evoke emotion, and 90% of it - emotions of anger, greed, fear, jealousy, envy, guilt, shame, disappointment, revenge and etc…- all these emotions are that very milk that is squeezed and, like in telepathy, transferred. How exactly this mechanism works, I don’t know. But I have heard the descriptions of different methods of miking and of different babushkas. Let’s leave it at that, because I can go on another 1K of words here, easy. And I feel this image will be enough for you to think before you fall into the next hysteria “Masks sign of love” or “Standing with China”… ops, that probably will never happen, but man, this whole Reset is so graphic, who knows what else.
I mentioned in some other place that this Reset is called “soft”. Yey!
I guess, we supposed to be happy about killing us softly and not in one big swoop by gigantic monstrous flood event! There were hard resets before when most of the planet would be flooded, and remaining people would wake up from sudden loss of all the memory, look around the ruins and start to scrape for food and live from that point on. Think about it! This time is not like that, so we can be grateful at least for this
. I know, what I write is far off, but humor helps, right? The scale of Resets are humongous, no wonder humanity don’t know its own history, we only know the last 2 thousands years of Christianity, and what was for millions and billions of years before that?! When you understand this part, it will be easier for you to live your life quietly, and do your work, instead of joining the milking line.
So you will ask me why I am not living my life quietly. I actually do. But I write these kind of texts, in English, and another kind of texts, but also transformative, in Russian, because I can’t not do it. You come to this point in life when you are ready. I have been doing this for many years, but my own fears made me not ready to see things clearly.
As you evolve in Spirit, things change, you open up yourself and become a channel. Not the channel that channels some entities from astral plane through receiving the voices or images, no. I will write about it the next time, because everybody is allured by astral plane, strive for connection with angels, helpers and entities of any sort, but don’t know how they actually pay for this. What I am talking is no entities of any kind, just me, human. Here is my take on it, its personal, it can be different for you:
At some point you are acutely feel and moved by something bigger then you.
Your time of living for yourself is done, even living for your family, or your social circles - done.
You gathered enough human experiences in different areas,
enough to move from the horizontal plane of living to the depth of your origins .
You shed enough of conditioning, your karma has no iron grip on you anymore,
you left most of people behind,
because you had to clear the space for aloneness and
go through some of the events in life
and inner metamorphosis
without onlookers.
You start to feel connection to the bigger forces,
bigger then even the planet itself.
You understand your ancient roots through the whole history,
not limited to the Earth.
You look at world events with neutrality,
it doesn't mean you support the violence,
you know that your place in not on the barricades,
in the crowds, online or offline,
your place becomes visible with time
when you are not limited longer by fears, family relations, responsibilities to anyone,
but your Conscience.
Your own Conscience guides your involvements, engagements, decisions
and forms your meaning.
You can't close the eyes to what most close,
and you can't be silent when you know you can open a view for others to evolve,
you just simply live who you are and why you are here.
At least for this very time,
because nothing is static in you, not planned and not made up,
you are fluid in your thoughts and actions, and open to life
exactly as it is appearing at the moment.