Thursday, November 23, 2023

🔥The PORTAL. Part 10🔥 The Higher Meaning of Life. Service.

I never saw this series of writings coming, especially given that I was in the middle of writing a book, and I was so involved in the process of it, I almost disappeared to everything else.  Creation gave birth to another creation, and suddenly I felt the urge to share with my friends around the world, my fellow travelers in this life, and probably, not one life, the necessary information, maybe even more - higher meanings we can live with, the states of Consciousness we can dwell in, instead of following those offered for us by the Matrix. 

By writing these posts, I felt as something was creating itself, some sort of brotherhood, though I didn't even communicate with people, a few comments from the readers and short replies from my side, still I feel those who needed these texts, they read and some more will find them in a future. I wanted to tell you something very important.

Someone said this phrase that describes perfectly what I have been pondering about for long time, on a off, trying to understand the mechanism of something I observed for many years: "The light ones do not fly in a flock".  They are usually alone.  You will see big movements formed and huge crowds following with all kinds of missions, meanings, and aims, people like belonging and trust big names.  And there are those who are informed, awake, and alone, and maybe are able to talk to a few in their life, if even that.

It is very difficult to do the work alone, even our own inner work is not easy to do alone, but to do the work in the world, for the whole of Humanity, alone - is even more difficult, I would say, almost impossible.  It’s easy to be squished by the mechanisms of the System not to allow any light to come through.  There are all kinds of ways to keep those who can bring that spark, the Light of their Soul, invisible.  I don’t want to even go into these mechanisms, but some of them I felt and lived through myself, not knowing it at the times, but now I understand.  It is what it is, it only made me connect to the Spirit even stronger, clarify my aim, the values, and how I can navigate in the System without being stopped, or even destroyed.  

We have to be clever and use the mechanisms of the System, for that we need to know how it is all works here, and have a plan.  Usually people, even with the best intentions to carry in life, do not want to know outside of their beliefs, it’s ok if they live the life of a Merchant, and playing within matrix’s algorithms.  They didn’t come here to bust through the veil of the illusion, or, they forgot why they are here and took this game as real - in a full immersion mode.  The conditioning mechanisms of the matrix gave them the values and aims to live for, fear for the wellbeing of the body, solidified them as they are their own values.

Usually I sit and I write one piece to the end, be that a short post or 3K of words like Part 9.  This part was brewing in me in different phrases, I kept coming here and added a sentence or two at a time.  This Part is why I even went on this ride with you guys, writing like a madman, 10 Parts of The Portal!

I didn’t want you to freak out from the information I was laying out in these series, I didn’t want you to run for the hills and not care about people dying on the other part of the world, I didn’t want you to become heartless, careless lunatic. I didn’t want you to quit your job in the system and end up on the streets of the same system. I didn’t want you not take care of the body as this just a temporary costume. I didn’t want you to wonder if you have Soul or not. I didn’t want to send you into depression about the state of affairs in the world, nothing like that. But I wanted you to evolve and transform yourself, and then help here on this planet, because those who read through these long texts and comprehend them, are true humans, and are here to participate in Life-affirming processes, not just being another bot, a slave in a System. You might forgot who you are and why you are here, I wanted to remind you about it , remind you how powerful you are, and how you can do your work, ignite your heart and exercise your Intent with which you came here. 

While you are here, you had to know what’s going on here, what we are dealing with, and that it is important to change your views and find the Higher Values, your own, not those in you that are installed by the System.  And then you alone, or we together, can find a way we actually can live this Higher Meaning.

Would you like to die in regret and confusion why your life went this way, why you hid most of the time from what called you to live life in a fullness? Or you want to die, to drop this avatar, this body, when the time comes, in the satisfaction of your journey here, knowing you did all you could, you completed why you came here?  

The values that matrix gave us, look how temporary they are: a family, a house with a white picket fence, a car, a stable job and a retirement fund.  These values make any man with a Spirit to become a Merchant who cares only about procreating and making money for the family.  And now Matrix changed even the values of a family.  Its not a value anymore because the system doesn’t need more humans to work for a few elites, the system will introduce robots that are much more cheeper to upkeep, so it gave us the Rainbow value and confused everybody into that one.  It screwed up young’s people identities, it prepared us through many generations, so it is seems now like a natural thing.  This is how the conditioning work, it sets in after a few generations that went through the process of brainwash.

A house with white picket fence and couple of kids or a freedom to "have nothing, and be happy” (a new value given to us from Klaus, one of the spokesmen of the System), and whatever else Matrix want us to accept as a meaning of our life, this is not a meaning of life for most of you who read my writings, who followed me for years, seeing something in me that held you close.  Yes, these might be values for many, but for us they are not enough to end our journey here in completeness.  

This is why we do inner work, this deep excavation of any remaining density so the Spirit runs freely through us, and we are able to add to the light frequency on this planet.  And most of us does this work without any fanfares, we feel its our duty, we know its not even for us, this is something we need to do to be able to be of service here.  Sometimes we dive into the service prematurely and we get burnt by the ego that is still strong, we get lost in the Matrix’s labyrinths, but we keep the inner work alive, and like that redwood tree that survives the fire, we start to grow new branches that reach for the sun, one more time. 

Matrix’s algorithm presented as a universal value for the man: “birth a child, plant the tree” is moving into: “Its too many people, lets drop some, and the toilet paper is a valuable commodity”. This is why if you don’t have your own meaning, you will be given one in no time, and might only on deathbed you realize that what you lived for was a mistake.  

“There are no mistakes”, spiritual crowd will say.  Yes, it’s true, its lessons we came here to learn.  So learn yours quickly, because the gates are open to wake up now, and I don’t know for how long this opportunity to raise in Spirit and evolve your Soul will be here, I simply don’t know this, but I know that nothing stays permanently, it is in waves, the cycles.  I only know that right now the doors are wide open, you just need to make that serious decision and make a declaration.  

Very few can escape the conditioning machine, or be born in the family that supports the purity and light in a child without muddling it.  For everyone else - this journey is a descend to the deepest and darkest parts of ourselves and then ascend in the strength of our Spirit and the purity of our Soul, and helping others on the way. 

Bellow is an example of the declaration made by a man, a true human.  Everyone will make their own, but it’s important that you come to that decision and you say your word.  This one was said by the character in a book “How Steel was Tempered” written by Nikolai Ostrovskij.  We studied this in school, it made a very strong impression on me, and even though I lived unconscious almost all my life, I recalled it, every word:

“The most precious thing for a man is Life.

It is given to him once

and it should be lived in a way

that it would not be excruciatingly painful

for a deceitful and petty past.

Then, when you are dying, you can say:

All my strength and all my life were given to the most beautiful thing in the world:

the fight for the liberation of Humanity”

If you are the one who is awake and alone, please understand that there are many like you around the world, and we don't need to congregate together in a big open movement.  We just need to know there is a higher meaning of a human life and make our declaration to remain innocent, pure, and serve the light in this world. You will be heard through the Universe and connected.

I want to add a few words about the declaration.  Declaration of a human being is as powerful as it can be.  It is not saying a sentence, saying what you think you need to say.  It is not a wish expressed, it is an inner necessity you came to understand in yourself.  This necessity needs to be expressed, you can’t hold it in you anymore.  This necessity has a fire energy that burn itself out of you.  It is something you can’t hold in yourself, it’s not your mind creation, it is Consciousness talking.  

People pray and do affirmations, and have no idea how to make a statement, a declaration, so their prayers are answered and their affirmations work.  If you asking something or someone to help you, you can wait for the whole life.  If you make a statement from the depth of your being, you birth your word with purity of your intent, it will change the Universe.  

Here is a few words of warning.  The human being creates with his thought and manifest with his word, just like the Creator, the Universal Consciousness.  We are a fractal image of the Higher Being.  To create - is to take a responsibility for every word you are projecting out.  We are in an artificial grid of mental energy, the Matrix, if your word is true and powerful, if it saturated with all your might, your word will reverberate through this grid, and the grid might not like how it has to adjust, it will try to change your mind.  It can test your strength, your conviction, it can test your sincerity, the strength of your Spirit.

If you are not honest in your declaration, or your Spirit is not strong enough, you won’t be able to raise yourself to the necessary frequency, you will know it because your life circumstances will stay the same.  It’s like launching a rocket into the space, and if something in it fails, it will never reach the orbit.  But if your Spirit is Strong, the System, if your declaration about to change something in it, will try to interfere.  So before you affirm anything, be honest with yourself, if you have a necessary purity to affirm, it’s like a rocket fuel: not enough and your rocket will fail.  And surely be honest with yourself if you are ready to change the Universe, including the Matrix, because the responsibility for every word is on you. 

Ask for others, not for yourself.  Ask selflessly.  Make a statement about yourself, seriously, you are talking to the Universal Consciousness, you want to be heard, say it with all your being, not just words.  Let that Thought of the Creator - You - light up bright, Creator will hear his child. It will be a powerful creation that will change you forever, it will add to Universal Consciousness and evolve All.  You have that power in you, you came with it, even if it’s dormant.  Now, learn to use it for the benefit of our Earth and the whole Human race. 

You can go ahead and read other parts of the Portal, it is still unedited, keep that in mind and don't be hard on me :)  If anyone wants to edit it, that would be very helpful, then I might compile it into a free ebook "The Portal: How to Wake up and Live in the Matrix Without Loosing the Marbles"

Links to previous posts:

Here is more to read: My Book "Buddha on a Bull" is about spiritual awakening, an adventure through different spiritual modalities and disciplines. First part of the book is very entertaining and is for everyone. Second part is for advanced spiritual seekers to release the seeking. Both parts told through personal stories. In English: In Russian: My Next Book "Walking on the Runes: Sincere Stories about My Life Inspired by the Energies of Runes" will come out in 2024. Its super interesting and the name talk for itself :) Before I submit it to the publisher in Russia (I might have the opportunity this time instead of self publishing), I will appreciate any help with editing in Russian (now) and in English for self-publishing (next year).

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