Tuesday, November 7, 2023

๐Ÿ”ฅThe PORTAL. Part 4๐Ÿ”ฅ Gloom and Doom situation? NOT !!

I got a bit tired to write these long messages every day. It does take a lot of effort. But I feel it's my duty to do this write up, and then people who needs this information, will find it.

I continue, and to illustrate my point of not involving emotionally into world events I will use the words of Viktor Frankl, Austrian psychotherapist, survivor of a Nazi concentration camp:

"Those who believed that everything would end soon were the first to break down. Then there are those who did not believe that it would ever end. The survivors were those who focused on their own affairs, without expectations of what else might happen."

Guys, we live in the grand simulated reality that aim to feed our minds with events that are planned and executed by the clock as a mean to evoke thoughts and emotions and keep up this artificial matrix. We get filled so full that we forget about other human properties. We forget about our Conscience, Will, ability to Feel, Create with our thought-image, not just follow artificial ideas.

Linear mind vs Consciousness, emotion vs Feeling - is where all the difference lies. Sounds easy, but most of the human beings have no idea what Consciousness is. We are using the mind from the early age, not consciousness, we get rewarded by using the mind. By certain age we know how to get the information: open up the newspaper, turn on TV, ask a teacher, read a book, search on the Internet. Is it right?

If I walk down the street and ask people what they do to know, most would mentioned mass media method and asking experts and teachers method. I really saw this and felt this on my own skin in 2020 when populations needed "scientific proof" for every common sense sentence against the mass brainwash. Every confused mind, hidden by ego needed a scientific proof and if the ego had a power, you were done. I saw one of the ugliest conflicts in the Western spirituality, a witch hunt on Phil Escott during those times. P.S. I don't want to use the name of the opponent, mostly because its not the point of my writing, but if you want to know more, its all documented in Phil's podcasts.
That time I didnt know how to explain, how to communicate with people who operate only through the mind. I tried different methods. I would talk about myself and tried people get some information by example. I posted pictures of the supplements I was taking, told the stories what I do and how to boost the immunity. Then I tried to shock people from their usual state of mind by acting out, so they might hear. I ended up blocking those who were relentless in providing "scientific information on the benefit of v. and m.". I felt I was fighting with a multi-headed dragon, you slay one head, the other ten will come up.

Very seldom someone would take a pause, become quite, then say silently: "I will listen to whats comes up", and they would go away. Then later I would see them fighting with brainwash on their platfoms. I don't know how exactly that worked, but tuning in with their own wisdom and reasoning would do the trick. Relying on others's information, "scientific information" would just sink the one even more deeply into brainwash.

"I will Listen" is the key to navigate in this artificial world we participate in. This is why many times I wrote the same, starting from 2010 I would say, in different ways:

Sit quietly.
Post a question.
To yourself.
To your own Consciousness.
Become very quite.
Very still.
Without tension,
without expectations,
without making anything up.
Listen to the feeble voice within.
Of your own Conscience.
It will show you the way.

Most people would brush right through these words. Too simple to even consider. Better will go to the next guru and ask him what to do. Its going on the 14th year of the same message from me. Nothing new, and still every time I write it and it sounds like a code, a key. Anyone who took this key and turned it in yourself, know that the key open up the door to yourself. It may take a while, but if one wants to make a relationship with yourself, if one wants to communicate with their own Conscience, this needs to be nurtured. Like that mind we all train: in kindergarten, school, university, memorizing toons of information. Consciousness doesn't need to be trained, but you need to establish that connection with it which is lost by wrong upbringing, wrong education, matrix conditioning that aim to separate us from ourselves.

After the dust settled I learnt to be ok with people who listened to their own wisdom and who listened to "scientific information". I realized, we are all different, so different that even in this very open write up, I can't be yet open with how different we are, this part I would have to leave for the future.

See, I listen to my own Conscience, and it told me its necessary to put this information, its the right time. Most will just scroll through, some will connect. But it is safe now to open cans of warms, not all the cans yet. Imagine even 5 years ago, no one would listen, and 10 years ago I would end up somewhere I didn't belong. Times are changing now rapidly. As I said in the previous parts of The Portal, its an opportunity to wake up as never before.

Everything wide open: White, Black, Light, Dark, Left, Right, Up, Down - any kind of information is IN. Its available. Its so much information, it creates a HUM, and in this sea of frequencies of information we connect with what we resonate with. Right now the frequency is more or less set, who is who is established, so to speak, innerly, by our own choices before, conscious or unconscious, by what we relied on, by the strength of our Conscience, our consciously or unconsciously installed values.

People don't understand how important to know what information is. How important to guard yourself from certain information. So you will not be affected by it. Yes, information is not just a word meaning knowledge.

IN - inside
FORM - a body of knowlege that has a specific form
ATION - action - it forms, mould YOU to it's FORM

Think about it. Do you want something that is harmful for you to take in? Would you eat poison? But you readily open yourself to poisoning your mind. If you can digest it - no problem, but if you can't, it creates specific formations in your mind that become your own thoughts and ideas, and then you are closed up to the beneficial information, you are too full. But uncomfortably confused. And a glass of wine actually makes you feel better. Makes you not think about your condition. Everything will be better tomorrow, next month, next year....

I just added this text to my writer's app called Scrivener. I started to use it when I started a new book, I really like it organizes my files much better then just using Word. This app also make it easy to see the statistics. By the calculations of words, I am only halfway to what I need in this Part 4, so stay with me for another 800 words :).

This is from academic Fursov:

"Their plan is to create lower classes by fragmenting society, encouraging extreme forms of individualism on the one hand, and on the other hand, working on the primitivization of human behavior and psychology through the destruction of culture and education.

One presentation at the World Economic Forum contained an important observation: those who can do two things in the future will have a chance - to read long texts and analyze their content. On this occasion, I remembered a Chinese proverb that says: "Those who cannot read a long text will work with their hands." The only problem is that in a post-capitalist society, hands will not be needed, because there will be no industry.

A person of post-capitalism will live in virtual reality. For example: you will watch pornography, you will watch action movies, you will play games, and all together you will live in a world of so-called augmented reality. You live in a bad house on a dirty street, but if you wear special glasses, you are in the Maldives.
We are talking about creating a society whose peaks and bases differ as two biological species. The upper classes live 120-140 years in ecologically clean zones, closed cities and completely control the lower classes and resources. The lower classes live for 40-60 years, are physically weak, uneducated, live in polluted areas, but are focused on virtual reality."

What he is writing is not a fantasy, it is actually a reality we are living and we will see this unfolding further. Now you know where we are going, you can make a choice how you want to live your life, there is a choice still available. Later on there will be no choice. Understand that every choice right now you make is very important. Where you live, how, on what you rely. Make sure you think about independent water source, energy, you think about your dependance on the system. If you have a job in the system and without that job you are stuck with the mortgage or rent in the apartment in a big city, on an island...hmmm I would really think about it (son, I am talking to you)

Gloom and Doom situation? Not. Why not, you ask? Because this is exactly situation we agreed to enter this plane, through our mother. Mother - star gates we came through, we embody this very costume of a human body and here we are! We are not these bodies. We are Quantum Consciousness and we remain as such in any conditions. And Quantum Consciousness can play any kind of roles here, it depends what it came to learn. Maybe it came to learn a lesson for which such conditions are required. This about it what kind of lesson it can be that it can't be learnt in any other way then some really intense and chaotic conditions? You tell me what you've got. What you feel you came here for to learn, to discover, to express to the world. It might be several lessons, or one, I don't know how it is for you. I am discovering myself everyday.

Sometime ago I saw how in spite of of almost debilitating fear, I went out of my ways, I let my voice free, I stopped hiding behind masks. I knew at that time: I am learning Courage. How would I learnt if I would not be presented by life with the situation that almost crashed me? At the time it was so painful I almost lost it, but kept going, and un-tied this knot in myself - this quantum entanglement of the soul, got free from this contraction in me, then went forward and wrote a lot about it so others can get free too.

Do you see how significant this process is and how we are all tie together, and the inner work of one soul benefits all!? Would you trade in the conditions for the "better", those that will make you sleep in your own karmic tendencies without any possibility to be resolved? Just for temporary "comfort" in this life in this body, and then what when you drop it , leave behind, and get naked in a quantum field? What would you realize? What a fkn waste of opportunity it was! So, do not fear ANY conditions, fear that you won't use the opportunity to evolve and contribute to the Whole to evolve. Because anything less than that is a waste of precious human life. Whatever achievements and possessions you gathering here without deep inner work, will be discounted as soon as you strip this avatar.

Ok, let me get more precise here. I don't know what is the aim of your being here and I don't want to lessen it. Even in a case of unconscious life there are lessons we all go through, and little by little the awareness sips in, maybe not in this life, but the next, or the next. Every human experience is valid and what is happening is exactly whats right. Sometimes I dramatize things just to paint an image to make a certain impact. Don't look at words, take a notice of what you've got from them. Again, I am writing, and don't have energy to edit, yet. Its like I am giving you to read very raw text of a draft that even I didn't go over yet. Links to previous posts:

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