Monday, November 20, 2023

🔥The PORTAL. Part 9🔥 For Advanced Souls

What does it mean to wake up, to become awake?  We need to get this clear, otherwise what the difference would be of this text with any other call to wake up!  Just please get into your most focused state possible with this text, I will try to unpack it from different angles.  If you are not focused enough, don’t even start.  If you have unfinished business, finish it first.  This will be the longest text so far, the longest Part of “The Portal”. You will need all the energy to go through this text.  And more than that, you will need free energy, awareness, to comprehend this text.  If you in that category of people who have access to awareness, focus, and you are bold, start. 

To wake up is to become conscious, to wake up from the dream of the character you are in this movie that you are participating in.  Spiritual seekers and all self-help people, psychotherapists and coaches of all sort operate from the level of observation, mindfulness.  They have an understanding that to identify completely with the character in the movie makes their movie a drama, sometimes a horror.  And when the character hits the rock bottom and realizes he/she needs to change something, they gain the ability to be mindful.  At this stage they want to ease their suffering and become more aware of what’s going on.  

Coaches and therapists are especially good in this, they were trained in helping others to observe themselves.  Some therapists and coaches are very good in helping others to observe themselves, but in their own life they may be completely identified with the character and often not able to observe themselves.  This situation is very tricky for them to become aware, because they are playing the character that is trained in observation, they have an official paper given them by their professional Aggregate, they assumed a role of “the professional” in this field, and their mind will justify everything they are playing is being right.  In a way, they are hostages of their professional identity, they are completely identify with this new “upgraded” character with a diploma, with the syllables of their expertise after their name.  

But even completely identified coach/therapist can help others to ease suffering, because they act either from the algorithms they have learnt, or their intuition, and if they apply these natural and acquired skills to work with their clients, and teach them how to be aware of their thoughts and feeling, it works for the clients to become more mindful. 

This works to help people to look at themself. Now they are not completely identified with the suffering character, they are watching, observing it, making some adjustments to ease suffering.  It is like the actor on the stage sort of divided his attention and is able to watch himself while he is playing the role.  The awareness now resides outside the brain and watches. Or in the analogy of the theater we spoke about in Part 6, one become the watcher of the play on stage, or  watcher of the movie on a screen. 

Why all these writings and why they came out with the name “The Portal”?  As times intensify, the unconscious become more visible, the conscious become more accessible too.  We just ended Kali Yuga (in Hindu), or The Night of Svarog (in Slavic), it is a dawn now, the transition to another epoch.  Everything is available now, any kind of frequencies: from dense material, low psyche energies to the frequencies of purity, light and consciousness. These are the times of possibilities to wake up from this movie of your own character, wake up from complete identification , and wake up also from  identification with a watcher/the mindful one.  

What else human being is able to wake up to?  To their own Consciousness, the Soul. Not a concept of the Soul from the religious books, but the real experience.  I must say here that this is only possible for human beings with the Soul,  there are many people who look alike, but they have no Soul.  See, we either completely deny the Soul, or we assumed that everyone has one.  Its neither.  There are many different configurations of people on this planet.  Their bodies look similar, because this is the organic costume - we can call it avatar since the movie Avatar popularized this word - this very costume is able to carry life on this planet. There are people and there are human beings, its not the same, but we use it interchangeably, assuming we are all made from the rib of Adam, or whatever the story you are carrying about humanity.  I will not go into this subject deep right now, it will take another 2K of words.  I will just say here that it is fake history of the humanity, fake story from the fake source.  This is not our (human) history and not our source of information.  It’s for different people. Might be valid for them, not ours. 

Let’s talk about the Soul so you get it.  The Soul is not inside the body.  The Soul does not even reside here, it’s multidimensional, quantum thought of the Creator, a Higher Being of this Universe. Everything is fractal in the Creation.  And every little thing is a fractal in itself and a part of the bigger fractal. This Universe,  a collective Consciousness, is a part of the Higher Being, and that is included in the Consciousness of the Higher, and so on - it is unfathomable reality, so we will only talk about our Universe and I will be calling the Consciousness of this Universe a Creator, Almighty, because for us - it is. 

As a part of the bigger fractal, you are created in the similarity - you are a fractal of Consciousness - we call it Soul, Душа in Russian. This fractal of Consciousness - Soul - assumed the body on itself, but not contained in the body. This is why you, the real you, can never be hurt.  It’s not resides in the body. The character can be hurt, but you - not. 

In fact, the Soul you is the one who chooses the experiences for the character necessary to un-tie the quantum knots in itself.  They are created by lack of Love, assuming yourself being separate from the Creator when you enter the avatars.  Through these quantum mind movies we live in the reality where we presented by circumstances where we need to make decisions, and what we decide, or our brain decides based on all the condition, either ties up more knots or un-do them.  Your thoughts in this life matter.  Thoughts that run through the mind repeatedly become beliefs. Your actions in this life matter even more, because it’s manifested thoughts. They either free you or they create more chaos that needs to be cleared, maybe not in this life and not in this character.  

Being awake is realizing who you are besides this body, this avatar.  Being awake is to be aware that you are a Free Observer of this reality, not a character in this reality. Being awake is seeing the mechanism of “the cinematography” how Consciousness take on the character, become an actor, and the mind assumes different roles. From that knowing you can direct your own movie.  And the first wish on this planet at this time is money, because this System is based on greed and power, and money is a mechanism to enslave people into the System. 

When you become conscious and might start to exercise that creative quality of you, it will start to exercise in you naturally, and you become a  director of your own movie.  You will be tempted with creating experiences for yourself where you have money.  If you are truly awake, you are not wishing for more money, but you are wishing for the experiences that you need to un-tie the quantum tangles in you.  They might include money, might not, and to tell you the truth, the latter is more common, because the prior lead to the laziness of the Soul and all kinds of mind trips, solidifying the identification.  Though the advanced awaken Soul might choose the experience of money to be a vehicle of un-tying the attachments and identifications.  

If the money trip is walked fully consciously, without conditioning you, without enslaving your mind, it is possible to have a scenario of a character with money.  You train yourself, you dive in the money scenario, as soon as you are given, you exit the money Aggregate, you use the money in a wise way, this way you to continue to evolve. 

The aim of life of someone who is conscious is to fulfill their mission.  When you evolve your mission become obvious to you.  It is an aim with which the Soul entered this life.  The scenario becomes visible to you, all the experiences in the past - valid and even logical.  The future become also clear and therefore you are aware what’s needed from the present for that future.  In this Time/Space reality here on Earth, the Future is making choices in the Present to be manifested.  You are the one to choose the future and the present, to manifest Free Will.  Only conscious man can have Free Will, and his will is steeped in his aim: to evolve as a Soul, as Quantum Consciousness, to assist evolvement of the Whole. All other common ideas to have a will, to make decisions, without being conscious is just automatic, unconscious execution of karma and its consequences. 

You choose to work your way through one part of the System or another, though total involvement or partial, through this Aggregate or that, this is a School.  Everything here on Earth is aimed to train your awareness by taking you out of yourself, to hypnotize you into the matrix illusions, to disempower you from your creative nature, to brainwash you into the values that not yours, to destroy your will, and the most strongest weapons of the matrix are money, sex and power. If you are an advanced Soul here, you probably working through one or a combination of these algorithms.  You thought those who sit in nirvana in the Himalayas are advanced Souls?  They might be, but the once that are working consciously though the veils of the matrix, right on a battlefield, through the mines of money and power, keeping their Souls clean, might very well be very advanced Souls. Their scenario is to be right in the mix of it all, but their aim is not money оr power, their aim is to use these dense experiences to remain conscious and evolve. 

See how different the aim can be?  All the self-help and coaching aim to fix the character, most of the spiritual disciplines aim to achieve some states, like nirvana.  Real spirituality of a human being is to find their aim, the seed with which they entered into this life, and complete it, if possible.  There is a lot of obstacles here to complete it, the reality on this planet is virtual reality, and everything in it coded so you can get lost completely to who you are and why you are here.  The mind conditioning (aka brainwash) from the times you entered here is of unprecedented degree and the levels of awareness are very tough to pass.  But possible.  And now possibilities are at their max, thus, the name of these series is “The Portal”.  Look at these texts. Would these texts be possible before?  Well, unless I would love to join people in the psychic ward, then no.  But now is these times of the open hand.  Everyone opened their cards.  If you want to know something, you will find it.  And if you are sincere, you will be helped. 

Let me tell you this.  You don’t have to wake up.  It’s not necessary.  You just need to be sincere and kind-hearted.  You already participating in the awakening of the humanity and helping to restore the balance on this planet.  The only problem here is when one is very kind and loving, but identified, he might not withstand the pressure, he might cave in.  Anyone can be pressurized to the point of submission, just different amount of pressure needed to be applied.  Even the most sincere will cave in because of the fear of death, or a fear for wellbeing of their children.  They will be presented by the System with a choice to conform to this or that, and they will choose to conform, because of fear.  What awakening does is eliminating the fear of this avatar to die.  The costume will be left here, it belongs to the Earth. The Soul just changing dimension.  Death in Russian is с-мерть - смена мерности - changing dimension. 

Awakening is also helps with taking of yourself the responsibility for the wellbeing of the children, because you know they entered this place just like you, and they are your children only that they came out through your avatar.  By Consciousness they might be completely different beings, they have chosen you and your partner only because that setup you provided allowed them to come here and be presented by the circumstances and conditioning needed for them to be able to un-tie their own quantum tangle.  The scenario where they are your child matched what they need, matched their aim for this lifetime.  And your own aim matched the conditioning filed your parents provided. 

Understanding this takes of the weight of the guilt that we could be better parents and we could give more to our children.  It ease the anger many of us feel toward our parents that they could be better parents for us. The Soul entering the fetus aware of the setup of the scenario, it actually needs exactly this scenario for its evolvement.  If you would be able to provide a different scenario, a different Soul would enter.  There are no mistakes.  Understanding this can give you a serious relief, and the freed energy from the constant underlying guilt will be immediately utilized in the life-affirming way.  One more tangle will be resolved.  

These quantum tangles are connected with each other in the quantum interlacement of all the Souls, and every knot in every individual Soul freed, changes the Whole.  This is how Creator - G O D - Universal Consciousness - evolves, and directly connected to every human being, everywhere at any time, in all the dimensions at once.  Like you are aware of your thoughts, the Creator aware of you.  You are a quantum thought of the Creator.  Your whole being in this life is one thought of the Almighty.  Imagine that. If the thought enters your mind is beautiful, insightful, life affirming, you notice and admire this thought.  If you live your life in a life affirming, creative way, you help others to untangle, the awareness of the Creator is right there, admiring his thought - you!  You feel beautiful, divine connection, you feel the Presence, you feel you are held, supported, you feel you are not alone.  

No one human being is alone, it is impossible.  We all interconnected.  The “woke” crowd took this very truth and applied it to something that is not true.  I believe they have good intentions, but they are brainwashed, just like everybody else, but by different wash.  There are many different shampoos to wash the mind so it can run this or that idea.  “BeLaMe”, “Stand with This or That”, “Global Shmorming”, “Rainbow Wash”- these are current new shampoos. When one doesn’t work, the System introduce a different one, the newest one, instead of “Global Shmorming” is “Climax Change”, for example.  And you all know many others like “School Brainwash Camps”, “United States Co.” and “Our Lord, The Shepard” - for super hold…. And they are countless to name, basically every concept of life on this planet is a brainwash. 

In my writings I interchangeably use words, most of the labels I interchangeably use, just like Matrix, System…juggling with them freely so we do not form any static label, because we want our mind to be open to the meaning beyond the labeling, and everybody has their own intimate experience with that I am describing.  We can call it Pressure cooker, a Washing machine, a Flying saucer, whatever the name, the meaning will be the same - there is an artificial gridlock of algorithms put in place on this planet, and perhaps, this Universe, where we, as we enter, loose the ability to remember ourselves, and through life not given any chance to recall.  In this gridlock we use mostly our mind, not our Consciousness.  Unless something strongly shakes us, we are asleep to the reality of Consciousness and take artificial reality of a thinking mind as real. 

The previous Part came out mostly for people very much identified with their mind, who are watching the Tell-a-vision box and suffering because they can’t process fully all the chaos in the world through their mind,  it is impossible.  I tried to give them a solution, hopefully a few of those took their TV to the dumpster.  This Part is not for everyone, not for identified, you know, if you were able to read and understand what was written, you are a very advance being. This planet is a school for the Soul, a very tough and dense environment where we can work hard to wake ourselves from the identification with the earthy character, and help un-tie the quantum tangles in ourselves.  If you had enough inner work and more light comes in through you to this plane, you might be at the end of your earthy journey. 
This Part was for you. 

Links to previous posts:

The Portal Part 1 The Portal. Part 2 The Portal. Part 3 The Portal. Part 4 The Portal. Part 5 The Portal. Part 6 The Portal. Part 7  The Portal. Part 8 I have to mention here my book "Buddha on a Bull", because I kept approached by people who have no idea I wrote a book, please read, you will find it entertaining. More about it here: In English: In Russian:

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