Wednesday, October 2, 2024

🙏How to cultivate the SPIRIT. Part 6: I wrote this on a train in Russia

Let me clarify some things about the material I am posting.  These texts not linear, and require concentration, but they work on a reader on different levels. If you have read the part “The Degree of Degradation”, remember one of the ways man can come out of oppression and disempowerment: “the greatness of Thought”?  It can be developed by reading texts that are not easy to read, the texts that open Consciousness, make one THINK, have insights, use his reasoning. 

And this kind of reading is a practice in itself, it requires 100% attention, otherwise it is possible either not to understand at all, or simplify the meaning, and therefore, decide that it is not worth the time to read further.  In both situation the sign is that that ego took over and you would not be willing to complete the reading.

If you completed the reading and honestly read every line with utmost attention, and at the end you decide that this doesn’t have value, then that’s fine, you actually did some work and YOU decided its not for you. But if you started to read and suddenly lost interest, then this is a sign for you to notice, its not you who makes decisions, but the conditioned thought already present that make decisions for you.  

This series for men is to show where missing links to greatness as a Man-Creator are, what to do and how to turn off the mechanisms of disempowerment. I encourage you when you read, to make these texts a practice of concentration.  And the last one in these series is coming this week.

In The Portal ( the series before this one) I described in one or the parts how the System disempowers men, so men who were born, I call them, Warriors - those who have a very strong Spirit, they were born to thrust some great Intent, to develop some new Idea, but they abandoned that Intent, and turned themselves into commoners, workers, merchants instead, selling out their time and energy for the green papers $.  They ended up within the environment they didn’t create, it was created for them by the System: the need for the house, cars, mortgages, loans, dead end jobs and constant survival living, and all that takes priority now in almost every modern man life.

This quick sand that the man gets in his 20th and by the time he is in his 30th, he is fully stuck in the material responsibilities he can’t abandon.

Both of these series - The Portal and about the Spirit basically have the same intent of mine: to wake up the Spirit, to ignite the impulse, to shake off the veil from the eyes, even if you feel the pain of disillusionment at times, even if you cry about what you spent your life on, or even if you get angry on me for the messages, but if you have a strong reaction, or you are inspired by these texts, or they make you think, ponder on your situation, you and we all, because you are willing, we have a chance to come out of the illusion forced on humanity by those who want the complete power over us. 

Please, give it a chance. I know, the translations are not perfect, but the meaning and transformative energy are there, and if you are not a robot, you can relax about me being imperfect translator, and understand the deep meaning under these words and sentences.  

There are some words that are not present in English or have slightly different meaning, that alter the integrity of the word to feel true meaning, right energetics, without deeper explanation.  One of those words is, for example, совесть. It is translated in English as conscience. Со Весть - быть в контакте с Душой и получать от нее весть о правильности поступка: 
Conscience is to be in contact with the Soul and receive from it the message of the correctness of the act. This is this feeble voice I have been writing about for the last 7-8 years. I only in the last few years realized that not everybody has these faculties, and some lost the ability to hear this feeble voice.  

Those that do not have these faculties, my writings are not for them, and I doubt anyone here is such a man, but if you lost the ability to listen to your own conscience by disregarding it for too long, by negotiating with yourself, by betraying it in favor of material comfort, by overriding it with actions you regret later, you do have a chance.  

What you can do is described in all these texts I am translating in this series for men "How to cultivate the SPIRIT", you just need to be honest, be open to hear the truth, be open to change, to allow Spirit to take the lead, to establish connection with yourself.   This is a very big work, huge, but I don’t see another choice for a man who is born here for Idea, a Mission, a Purpose, to continue to be lost in the System as a worker or a merchant, its just a loss of the time, loss of resources, loss of a lifetime where you would complete what you came here to complete.  

I know this sounds very intense, and I want to make it intense for you, because my purpose is to ignite fire in you, to turn on the spiral of energies in you, maybe it will be possible in a few of you, maybe it will be too much for some and completely impossible for most, everybody has their own path and their own catalysts, but if I can only help a few men, this is worth my time and effort. 

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🙏 How to cultivate the SPIRIT Part 8. Practice on ACCELERATION of the IMPULSE 💫

If you been following these writings and translations, you got the main idea, guys, that men are not connected with their Spirit and lost ma...

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