Wednesday, September 25, 2024

🙏How to cultivate the SPIRIT. Part 5: POISONS OF CONSCIOUSNESS

This is very important information for MEN.  This series of writings will be about the importance of Spirit in men's life and how to cultivate it. I will translate and post for you, guys.  I translate it from Wisdom holders from Russian language. Please read every line attentively, perhaps, read a few times. Some of you may connect. 


The poisons of Consciousness are a closed topic that concerns external control of humanity, carried out through invisible channels for many thousands of years.  The main points that relate to the poisons of Consciousness and other people's thoughts that destroy life:

1. Implantation of all types.

2. Manipulations with blood.

3. Various substitutions. For example, it is suggested that it is better to live in the city than in the countryside, in nature.

4. Various false declarations through the media.

5. (...I omit this one not to have problems with the System)

6. "Life is the struggle". The whole paradigm of struggle, which, in particular, was described by Marxism.

7. Downloads in a dream about artificial intelligence that you can't do without it in the future.

8. The main con: life is finite. Everything is saturated with this idea.

9. The whole big line, which poisons life and clouds consciousness. These include: drugs, alcohol, nicotine and so on. A sober man should not use any of the above. He is devoid of illusions and is able to manifest the Spirit.  Unlike the others, nothing sticks to him.

10. Lust for power is like a virus. The human race does not have a thirst for power, it is reptilian. The thirst for power leads to the enslavement of the Spirit, and the beginning of this is selfishness and rivalry. This does not allow men to connect in Spirit, and without this, the Perimeter, Brotherhood, Unions are impossible.

11. The cult of the body. This is something that poisons imperceptibly. The conductive channels in the body should be in good shape. This requires physical exercise. But fashionable torsos extinguish the spirit and consciousness, since all awareness is focused on the protein shell/physical body.

12. The cult of sex. When the seed is wasted randomly. It is believed (this is a con) that this gives rise to the creative aspect, but in fact it takes away the potential.

13. Any food cults. And veganism, and meat-eating, all diets. It doesn't make sense unless it's subordinated to a higher purpose.

Everything that prevents you from reaching the Stars and comprehending the greatness of you as a creator, connecting with your Light, which can only be seen when you think clearly, all that prevents this are the poisons of Consciousness.

The most important thing to sober up, to wake up is to recognize the supremacy of your Spirit.

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🙏 How to cultivate the SPIRIT Part 8. Practice on ACCELERATION of the IMPULSE 💫

If you been following these writings and translations, you got the main idea, guys, that men are not connected with their Spirit and lost ma...

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