Writing the previous part really took a lot from me, I needed a break. Thank you everyone who liked and commented on it (on Facebook), and made me see you read it and connected with the information.
I want to return right to the beginning, Part 1, when I was telling you how important not to subject ourselves to night time download of who knows what. I know, it sounded really strange, but it was interesting, so you continued to read, its good you stayed with me, by this time I know more people who is reading these series, some of you wrote to me and one friend called me “a hero”. I would probably do the same if I see someones efforts of this degree in this area. But as for myself, I am not sure what to think of it, I don’t feel anything really, I just cleared myself enough from fears, I guess. I burnt it all with 40 fires I made last year in 50 days. I didn’t plan for those fires, it was cold in the evenings and I had nowhere to go, I camped in a car. So I kept making fires, and they affected me, for sure. One of those fires I recorded for you, guys, and posted on Facebook. It is when I burnt my old boots, I ended up with a film of black soot on my car, because of the wind blown that way, and I wasn’t aware. Made in China! :)
I have not posted anything on Youtube for more then two years, that Elena is gone, she was innocent and sensitive soul, powerful too, but the real power came when she let go of fear in Nature. Not the fear of wild animals, they helped, but the fear of being her authentic self. She just dropped into more depth in herself and her expression. Thus these series of writings. Whatever is ripe and ready - it comes out. And a book in Russian is epic too! Couple of people I gave a chapter to read about my experience with Christianity, disappeared. But there was a few who loved it, and one got very excited and even helped me to edit it a little, he will talk to his publisher about it. That is very uplifting, it does shows that there are more of us, and more then we think!
Back to Part 1 and stressing of importance to wake up at 3:45am. Let me tell you my own experience, it’s not very long yet, but about a month. Most of the days we would wake up at 3:45, sometimes we would sleep through. I tried also 4am.
First, I really like how I feel when I go to sleep very early and wake up very early, it makes me feel good during the day, I have so much time in a day and I am very productive. Its hard for me to go to bed early, but in a few days it gets easier, if continue, then very easy, by 9pm I just want to sleep, when before at 9pm my evening life would just get going.
Here is the juice. By 4am I would really start to dream, this is why it’s not 4am, but 3:45, so you are not asleep by 4am when all kinds of dreams are happening of a strange nature. I know it is, because if you continue to break your sleep at that time, even if you sleep through the night, your dream become LUCID. So at 3:45am I would find myself in a dream and a few times I would be offered something not right for me, asked to agree with something. Since I was lucid, I would not agree and say NO, and would wake up. This is when I decided that 3:45am is better than 4am. In a dream you might be presented with a choice, and if you are unconscious, you might make a lousy decision, based on imaginary fear and being completely unconscious. Being lucid in a dream makes you have that opportunity to make a right decision.
I am still experimenting with this.
Now, I wrote a lot of material, I might framed it not in the best way, but I feel very complete. Whoever needs this information, will get to it, whoever doesn’t need, will be repelled by it, it is how it works. I liked that one man kept asking me very good questions. Can I answer them in a clear way? I am not sure yet, but I am trying my best.
One of the questions I got was about Higher Meaning in life, where to find it, how to recognize it? This is not easy, really, not easy. Because everything here on this planet taking us off that Meaning, taking us away from our true mission in life. One of the reasons: what we have in our head most of the time is the question: “How to make money?” Or “How to make more money?” This question make us live the life of a Merchant, even though we have potential to be on a higher level of consciousness. The Higher Meaning opens up on more higher levels, but we don’t have time and energy to live that. “How to make money?” brings us to 3D level of consciousness - the physical, mind oriented state of being.
Even if you are not thinking this particular question, because you have enough, you think: “How I safeguard my money ?” It is rare when someone is feeling secure in the rapidly changing environment and free from this constant conditioning from the System, based on money.
Before the System on this planet made us slaves, what was the most treasured? The Innocence and the Will. Now what’s treasured is money and financial security. Its just the place we were born into, its like a Quest: will we make it in one piece - complete, or we loose a part of ourselves here, sell out a bit there… We are drained from the essential energy through incorrect living that became normal, and its only enough for this 3D living, basically level of survival, or perhaps, adjustment for comfort for those who are more financially secure. We are not at fault, just like those characters in the game, they have no other choice to do what they are programmed to do.
The most we achieve through the life is to get a profession, to become professional in some field. This is not Higher Meaning of life, you get lucky if you actually get profession that suits your talents, not everybody get even that luxury. The Higher Meaning opens by itself and takes you completely when:
1. It is enough energy, free energy that is beyond what organism needs for life, for survival.
2. There is an awareness that there is something else to life then just what we are offered here
3. There is no fear to leave the old behind, whatever it is, mostly I am talking about believes.
4. You have a spark in you to serve something bigger than yourself, even bigger than your family.
Higher Meaning is always opens up as a Service. When you live not for yourself, even not only for your family, you live for betterment of humanity, your existence and what you do is like a piece of the puzzle in the collective work of the Spirit.
You can’t discover the Higher meaning if you live for yourself, even if you are in service oriented profession. You can be a great counselor helping people to succeed at their job, career, marriage, relationships. The System is constructed in the way that if these people have no money to pay you, your service to them will end. Its a trap we are in, and most do not know we are trapped, they think its normal, its how it supposed to be. We pay to the System with our TIME, it conditions us, then it sells us stuff, we make money, we pay for the stuff, we maybe have only a few hours to just be ourselves without owning a System either time or money. Who will think about selfless service, about higher meaning, about something that is not tangible, we just don’t have any spark for it, no energy, and no time!
What to do? One way you can help yourself is to remove yourself from your usual routine, whatever you did for all these many years, you just remove yourself, for a period of time, 40-60 days or so, and if you can end up somewhere alone, in Nature, where everything in you can be tested, so you can see all the beliefs and assumptions, all the automatism, it will crumble and fall away, you will empty yourself and the discovery of yourself and why you are here will start. A week or two of vacation will be enough for rest, some healing, but truly to drop all the faces you carry, all the characters you play, to empty yourself, probably 40-60 days alone in Nature. I know not many can do it, but I don’t write for many.
Another way is obviously though very difficult circumstances, disasters, you then have no choice, but unglue that focus from yourself, drop all the pretenses. Here is the danger: in difficult circumstances many will collapse even more, fold into themselves, won’t be able to see life from a bigger perspective. But if you have a very strong Wish, true Intent, that Intent will take you out of the limited character. Look how many woke up in the last 3 years, the crazy environment only shocked people out of deep sleep and agreeing with everything they are told. This is why I use the effect of a shock, I would love transmit love and light only, but that would not reach where I aim.
One more way - just by living long life and getting old. So old that you look at life naturally from a different perspective. You are not anymore taken by and lost in the System’s demands and rewards, you have that natural pause in you, and in that pause you discover different facets about yourself, and what really makes your life worthwhile. You will feel very acutely what will be left from your existence here when you leave this body. You are old enough that you understand: you won’t take anything you thought was so important for you, what you will take with you is that last state of mind you will experience when you about to leave. Will it be in an utter completeness of your human experience in this lifetime? If not, then ask yourself:
what will make me complete so I can die in total satisfaction, peace, like I played this one fully? Where else I want to touch this reality with my consciousness, with my heart, so I know it will leave a trace on reality enough to free me from fear of dying?
Selfless service is a very beautiful thing, you can’t force it, otherwise it will be pseudo-selfless, coming from the ego. This selfless service is of a vertical nature, it is an expansion in your inner Light, a light of the human Soul.
Links to posts I mentioned today:
๐ฅThe PORTAL. Part 11๐ฅ Seeing the Light in Every Experience
๐ฅThe PORTAL. Part 12๐ฅ Don’t settle on Doll House Life