Thursday, September 19, 2024

🙏How to cultivate the SPIRIT. Part 4: THE DEGREE OF DEGRADATION

This is very important information for MEN.  This series of writings will be about the importance of Spirit in men's life and how to cultivate it. I will translate and post for you, guys.  I translate it from Wisdom holders from Russian language. Please read every line attentively, perhaps, read a few times. Some of you may connect. 


Ancient memory preserves an images of the past, where people were like Gods. Various miracles were attributed to them, as well as a special relationship with nature, which, at their behest, could rebuild itself to suit the necessary. When referring to this memory, images of very tall men, impeccable appearance, strong Spirits, capable of transforming space and time arise. There are many parallel reality lines in which such a scenario has been embodied. In our reality, reminders of this are present mainly in epics, legends, and ancient monuments. Such a Human has never had anything to do with a monkey. His Consciousness, like His Spirit, was one with all living things. Degradation was based on the separation of Consciousness and Spirit, which affected the whole life. If we look at today's society, we will see how different it is from the above. "Man lives by Spirit alone" it means connection with all things, when you are the creator of your own reality and you set the original algorithms in it, by the presence of the Spirit, creating the effect of the Divine presence. The role of Human being on Earth is immense. Therefore, such a fall could not be allowed. Not only have we forgotten everything for which a Human lives, but we have now given a different meaning to life itself, we forgot the algorithms that a man should manifest with his Spirit. He is the guide of authentic life here. This is the purpose of a man. One must not lose the meaning of embodiment, purpose of incarnation, otherwise, if there is no tension in the Spirit, life becomes viscous like jelly. What men should do in order to cultivate their Spirit? First, you need to think broadly, there must be greatness of thoughts. Secondly, an open Consciousness is needed. For this, the creative center in man has to work. Men need to spiritualize their thoughts, fill with them their creations. A man with a manifested Spirit has a constant connection with the source, He creates this life for everyone around him. The tension in the channel of the Spirit is set by: Right energetic and physical architecture Honor Purity of choices Living according to Conscience Maintaining the purity of your channel The possibility to protect what is dear to you, for example, the Homeland By caring the channel in this reality.

If you roll back a little bit, in the dark times, you can trace how a false paradigm of freedoms was gradually imposed. This was due to the poisons of Consciousness, the imposition of the alpha male role on a man, constant false goals and senseless conquests of something. As a result, many began to serve the dark egregors.
The most terrible of the latter is the complete degradation of Consciousness, when life eventually passed into the material plane. Men have become effeminate and are no longer able to make independent decisions, as they are under the power of semantic fields. This has led to the fact that many people live for the sake of sensual pleasures, which have become their meaning, and, due to the absence of a channel, some can no longer have children.
Men are dying under this oppression, as their basic algorithms are collapsing. It can't go on like this, so every man needs to decide what he is going to do about it. What he is willing to do for the sake of a future life on Earth, which must continue no matter what.

(I also translated most of the questions/answers here that clarify some information above) 

QUESTION: Can we say that the female field extinguishes the Consciousness and Spirit of a man?
ANSWER: Yes, semantic fields are extinguishing the Spirit, if they are saturated with female lunar programs (focus on physical and material comfort). There are women with sufficiently developed Consciousness, on the contrary, they can cultivate the Spirit of the men they communicate with.
QUESTION: You say you need to find your own people, but everyone comes mainly by karma? ANSWER: First they come according to karma, and then your partners come. Therefore, it is necessary to inquire and clarify your psyche, otherwise those will be given with whom the tasks were not solved in previous incarnations. As soon as you resolve it in you, your own people come. QUESTION: How do you know that someone came by karma? ANSWER: A person who came not out of karma, but to do joint assignments, does not need anything from you personally. There are no constrictions, conditionalities. Relatively speaking, we met with an old friend – what to discuss and argue with him, you can immediately start building something together. QUESTION: How do you define the highest meaning of your incarnation, the task that you originally set for yourself? How to do this, how to find yourself when everything starts feel quite intense and there are also material goals? ANSWER: At the first stage, explore yourself: identify your strengths, see what you can, what you are ready for, what skills and abilities you possess. Next, identify vulnerabilities, that is, what limits the pulse, prevents the Light from flowing freely. When people start practicing, there are fundamental sections that slow it down. First, the ego. Secondly, karma - relationships with loved ones and others that need to be dealt with. At this stage you can, at least, call everything by it's own names, see what programs you work with. There are also fears, parent programs, and the conditionality of the ancestral matrix. Practicing, it is impossible to get rid of these basic things, otherwise you will get separation, when you sat in a higher frequency state (in meditation, prayer, etc..), you are doing well, you thought great thoughts, and then you returned, everything piled up, and then everything that has been accumulated begins to collapse. You can't do that. It is necessary that in parallel with this kind of work there is an awareness of the processes that are around you, in your life. As in sports, in order to become a good athlete, you need at least six to eight years of hard, regular training, or even more. When a person understands what processes he is involved in, what he actually is involved in, then he can realize what experiences he is collecting, how much time will take him to complete them, and how he will move on. Therefore, one should not assume that if a person has immersed himself in something, or knowledge has resonated with him, then after six months he is ready for everything, and considering himself a warrior of Light, he must go somewhere and prove something to someone. An adequate self-assessment is important. When a person's own reasoning is turned on, he can apply himself correctly. If he doesn't understand how everything works here, then in any case he will make mistakes, or he will be framed. QUESTION: Where does the basic algorithm come from initially? ANSWER: From the Star system where the Soul came from. That's the first thing soul comes in with, something that can't be taken away from her. Souls, when they gather a lot of experience of incarnations, develop varying algorithms, for example, travel to other stars, worlds, and this can also become part of the basic algorithm. That is, a Human being can manifest this in this life, if this experience is deeply registered in him.
QUESTION: How does material things affect a man? ANSWER: No one is calling for you to give up everything and run away to a retreat. Since we live in a society, we must be able to solve our problems in it. Another question is that making money and taking care of the material well-being of others should not prevail. No one says to quit your job. Just look at the job differently. The main thing is to look at who or what you serve, that is, determine where your attention is during the day. Then, based on this, think about how much you are willing to spend on your own development, on cultivating, for example, Spirit, Consciousness, and how much is spent on everything else. Any person, if they have the appropriate tasks, having answered these questions to themselves, understands where to move on.

QUESTION: Now in my environment, many women have taken on the male role. How can this be explained?
ANSWER: This happens because men are asleep. When they wake up, the women won't have to do that.

QUESTION: Can a woman help her son, husband somehow develop the Spirit or wake up?
ANSWER: Yes. There are some women whose Spirit is fully manifested, and they can transfer their settings to others, including men. 

QUESTION: Is the spirit primarily a Will, Discipline, Overcoming? ANSWER: Including. Spirit is an Intention of the Absolute, which implements algorithms for the development of the Soul; it is an absolute manifestation of matter; it is the inner Sun. You can measure spiritual potential by presence of the Spirit. This leads to a singularity of all life streams. If something is wrong with the Spirit, then there is a curvature of spacetime, then there is no direct access to the Source. Spirit is a single living substance of the mental image of the Absolute, which gives meaning to all the fundamental principles, thanks to which matter begins to realize itself....The Spirit is the sacred filling of the living. This should be accompanied by exactly what you have named, Will, Discipline, Overcoming, because the manifestation of the Spirit, among other, is developed through these things

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