We hear so many times: "Life as a teacher".
What does it really mean?
Why then we read books, listen to teachers in search for answers?
When we believe we are separate beings:
here is me and there is the world,
then we believe that things happen To us, and we seek advice
how to fix what is happening to us and around us.
If we are awake to Life,
we know "that over there" is a part of us.
We do not need to seek advice outside from our own perception.
The perfect teaching is right in front of us, including us.
We just learn to read the "Book of Life"
where words are perceived objects, people, characters,
and the sentences are circumstances, environment, relations.
We learn to read our own story,
which is exact representation of the mind state in the moment.
Have a question? That question is a part of the story,
and it will be answered. Just ask and be ready.
Have a worthy question, kick back, and SEE.
The answer is right in front of your eyes, don't miss it.
Abandon conceptual thought, even for a moment,
and SEE.
This answer will include full sensory experience at first,
keep looking.
Have another question:
"Who is the one who see"?
3D glasses might drop suddenly,
t h e w h o l e
w o r l d
at once.
The End of Your Story.
The YouTube version here: Life As a Teacher narrated by Elena