Wednesday, December 12, 2018

What are you here to bring to this world and to learn in this lifetime?

One thing that I learnt living life is that we never know what is actually right for another. I know I am living this last portion of my life to learn courage and by my own example to help others in the same. If you suggest me to sit back, walk away quietly, do some inner inquiry instead of standing up, you do not understand that this is what I have done all my life. Since early years when this mechanism was developed in a young child to protect her life, I always wend deep into myself. Later in life I would go deep with inquiry.

I can't afford this anymore, this method will take my life, I have been there before. I have to stand up. It's not natural for me to stand up, its not easy, it is very uncomfortable, and my body doesn't like it, but it does like it more then not to speak up. It appreciates there is movement of energy out instead of all directed in. Said that, my main work is done, I found what I was seeking all my life, I do not need to pretend to be more spiritual, or more light, or more awake. I know who I am and what limitations I am against in this body and mind, and I am fine to work within certain parameters of these limitations.

Find out what your main theme of this lifetime, what you were born to bring to the world, what to learn, how to move correctly for yourself. This will be such a relief for you that you can be yourself without judgment. That you don't have to follow any homogenized expectations how you should be, live, and behave. If you here to plant kindness, do it, but do not expect that planting kindness is my job here, though I am generally carry kindness in my being, I am planting courage this lifetime, and surely this will sometimes look maybe too abrasive, but for me, just right.

How do I know? You ever tried something that everyone says is good, only arrived to the lifeless space, ready to die, because the organism have no energy to continue life? I did. I tried to be desire-less, emotionless, impartial witness, and I actually tried all kinds of states that did not really work, because the next step would be a grave. We do not need to be anything other then us feeling complete at the moment, if sitting back is complete for you, you are at peace and harmony, then it is healthy, but if sitting back means listening to fears, brush them off and stand up. If anyone tell you to better sit, you explain them that standing up is more healthy for you. They might understand or not, please walk your own path to completeness. It is not the same for everybody.

The spirit animates these bodies to do different work in the world, find and respect your own work. We are one Consciousness that come forth in all these forms. Sometimes they collide, it does only mean that it's all alive, and we only can aim to do the correct work.

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Elena's GoFundMe page

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