or people with not believe, because it too far off for them to believe, and call you "dangerous". I have been called that, and I know how it feels. When you care so much, you put your life on the line, because you actually don't know if they will knock on your door tomorrow, and most just think you are conspiracist, means crazy.
So, when I suggest the best way to go through these times is not to get involved, but be informed, I care about my people here I communicate to. Some of you might need to get involved, like I did for 3 years of scandemic, maybe you need to open your voice, develop courage, maybe you need to see that you can, to be bold, to go this route. It is only you who know this if you need to step up, or you need just to observe, any of it will be right, but only if you decide to do it consciously, not been taken by the hysteria of the moment, by narrative of some powerful aggregates.
If you do it consciously, you will evolve. If you do it mostly because you are taken, then you will be sucked out, wiped out, and dumped at the end. There is much more coming, and from my perspective here it is better to observe rather then pretend that you care and get involved with your emotions. That will only create a feed for some questionable entities. But you will ask: how to help humanity?
The main goal of each of us is to start to communicate with our own consciousness, not the linear mind. It means that you need to ask questions and let the answers come in silence from your own being. From childhood we were told to ask questions to someone else: a parent, a teacher, a guru, a master, media and etc. Stop doing that and turn to your own consciousness, it has all the answers, you need to learn how to work with it. This is called inner inquiry, and you can do it anywhere where you can post a question and just get still and quite. Wait without waiting. Just sit and see whats comes up. If sensation or image comes up, or sound, or anything else, and you don't understand the meaning, ask what it wants to tell you. Again become quite and wait. Do this process every day, this way you are making connection with yourself, deepening and expanding your consciousness.
While you are doing this process, you are rasing your frequencies. There will be times when this will be important like life or death. They will make 6G, but you already there in your own frequency, and it will not affect you that much as if you would be in a lower range, do you understand? No need to fight with a machine with which you can't win, but what each of us can is to wake up from the imaginary self oriented view to who we really are, then they can bring it on, we will be ready!
And if more of us will be raising the frequency of the humanity on Earth at this time, we might be able to do some amazing things that can change the course of what is happening. Believe in the power of the human Spirit, it is the divine spark in us, it is quantum in nature and more powerful then we can imagine. Just use your human properties: imagination, Will, ability to feel and love, to observe without getting sucked in. You will find that this will help much more then blame, anger, fear, frustration. Choose to raise your frequency instead of being taken by your reactions to the events. And if you happen to live in the places of sudden wars, conflicts, artificially created "natural" disasters, then you have to do what you have to do, either get out if you can, or fight for your land with all your might. This is what is currently we are living, and these are the times to raise in Spirit, not fall, remember this