Friday, January 26, 2024

🔥The PORTAL Part 17🔥 For Brave and Curious. And Very Important Declaration!

This writing will be two parts, and they are not connected to each other, if you want to skip my personal story and read only about Egyptian Hierophants, go ahead.
 As soon as I came across this information, I felt my duty is to relay it to the Western people who are interested in existential questions about life, which is all of my readers.  I can’t see someone who is out of touch with the inner journey reading my long texts, impossible.  So we are all here on the same page.  

Its not that all the details on this page are correct, every word resonates, every sentence evokes the insight, no, but the majority of information, or let’s make it even more precise, the state of mind, the expansion that is created by reading these texts, is where we are on the same page.  I don’t want even to assume that all I share from other sources are 100% true, why would I take such a responsibility on myself?  

I am going to write a little about myself, what I have been doing, where I have been hiding :)

After I wrote all the parts of The Portal in such an intense way, I got burnt.  I don’t know how else to phrase it, but I got completely exhausted.  Probably I didn’t managed well my inner resources, so I came to the finish line and collapsed.  And I don’t even know how else I can do, when I have inspiration and fire going, I am on it, and I won’t relax until I get it all out.  Probably I am just a classic creative, riding the wave of the muse.  I do all in life in this way, and this is not the best way to deal with and within the System, its like trying to hummer a square peg into round hole. Ðžutside the constrains of the System, this is fine way - you just have your own rhythm and you are in tune with it.  This is perfectly legit human way.  

Everyone has a rhythm that is unique, but in a System all that gets annihilated.  You have to wake up when the majority does to make that certain train to come to work in a certain time.  If you participate in the system in a very tight way, you know it will not give you much leeway to have your own rhythm. Thankfully, for some long time, I am not obliged to the systemic rhythm.  But somehow I need to manage better my own, so I don’t get burnt. 

I got exhausted so much that, even though I found an editor for these writings, and the quote she gave me was quite reasonable, I realised I can't work with her, just have no energy.  A few of you edited some parts and sent it to me to go over, and I wasn’t able to do it.  Yes, I understand if I edit this, I will be able to post this on some popular platforms for information, like Medium, or similar, and it will be more readers for The Portal, I get it, but I can’t deal with it.  I can make an e-book and post it for more people to read, right? Yep, but I can’t deal with it.  Maybe, The Portal is only for you, guys, these people who actually make it to my blog, just because you know me and know it can be entertaining and transformative read.  

So enough about my exhaustion, let me tell you about one memorable night.  I was camping that night.  It was very auspicious night of Jan 18.  It said that this night all the waters on Earth change the structure and become healing/transforming waters. I didn’t know this, and I am always amazed how life arranges for me to have some experience without any kind of preparation on my part.

I was in Big Sur the day before and ended up floating in the mineral baths under the stars that evening. That night I ended up on one of the pullovers to spend the night under the starry sky.  As I pulled in I saw the fox coming.  In the headlights I saw her come in, sit, circle her tail around herself, she was so close, I could see her fine face features: her nose, her eyes, I never saw a fox before!  Though I had an encounter with the fox a week before that, but I only saw it's tail.  2 foxes in a week!  I live here 8+ years and drive this road all the time, and this was the first time I saw a fox, and even twice!

A week ago I was leaving Big Sur at night and was driving as usual, careful.  As I turned a corner in my headlights I saw a tail, I didn’t know what it was, but as soon as she saw a car, she ran right in front of it!  I didn’t understand why she was waiting to get under the car!  There was no cars at all, at that time I probably was one of the few on the whole stretch of Big Sur.  The fox could cross the road at any other time in any other place!  And why would she even need to cross if to the other side - it is the almost vertical hill there anyways!  But she just jumped right in front of my car on the narrow road in the dark, what the heck!  The only what I could do in that situation is to brace for impact.  I squeezed the wheel, and without changing the speed went over her.

I was mourning a few days why she did it, and what could I done differently, at the end I accepted that maybe I had a lesson in the inevitable circumstances I just have to immediately accept and get into unwavering focus.  If I would panic and start to turn the wheel this or that way, I would end up in a very dangerous situation: the hillside on one side, the ocean on another.  Still, this encounter left me sad. 

A week later pulling in and seeing the fox again, I couldn’t believe it!  I thought fox spirit wasn’t happy with me, because I killed one of them!  I sat in a car looking at her and she was looking at me.  And I was wondering again, what in the world she is doing here, in the beam on my lights, a few feet from the car! 

I was mesmerized by her grace, she was just like on a paintings I saw in my childhood, with very fine thin face and the puffy tail around her body!  I thought if I come out from the car, she will ran away, but I couldn’t just sit there all night, so I came out.  She didn’t move, she actually settled herself to sleep!  I couldn’t believe it!  It was the whole Big Sur available for her to sleep, but she chose to come to the light of my car ?!  Eventually I turned off the lights and I too went to bed.  I was wondering if she left, so I crawled to the front seat and opened the blackout curtain, she was still there.  There was no-one for miles, just me and a fox, sleeping close to each other, it was incredible to live, and I still don’t know the full meaning of these messages I received from the two foxes, but I know that it is just unbelievable experiences that added depth to my life.

Now, for Brave and Curious,  here is my humble, and though might be not perfect, transcribing and translating from Russian from one of the sources I am interested in.  This is how I deal with information.  I see what comes in, I see if I can listen, if it’s interesting, if it has sense, if this is something that evokes deep processes in me, sparks insight, and at the end, if this is something life affirming? So skip what doesn’t land, read what is interesting.  I did just like that.  Oki doki? And I specifically broke down this text on single phrases and highlighted key things.  This piece is not from the same source I posted for you before, its different, but they add to each other.  This one brings more of the history and details about humanity and the planet.

Start of transcription

"About Egyptian Priests (Hierophants) 

We will now talk about the capturing of control and closure of programs related to the Spirit, when they tried to subdue it as a source of energy.

Certain restrictions were imposed on the Light and on the Spirit, similar to the 7 seals, and each seal played the main role in its own specific cycle.

This was to establish Pyramids of Power. Restrictions, in particular, were imposed on:







so that people don't hear each other

And consciousness was also limited in order to break the connection with the noosphere.

The person's attention was redirected to the lower centers.

From this point of view, it was easy to control anyone by introducing malicious information into their field.

This immediately began to play out in the lower centers and was manifested as inharmonious release of power, since Light and Spirit need freedom. Hence aggression, anger and similar inharmonious outbursts.

As a result, we live in constant fear-mongering and enslavement of peoples' consciousness.

It was started on the banks of the Nile, where Moses was active. These are the 3rd, 4th, and partially 5th centuries in space and time, which we now call “BC".

There lay fragments of memory and information that retain their identity, but which are very much mixed.

Then it was necessary to completely rewrite the history of Egypt and change the functions of the pyramids, putting the All Seen Eye at the head of the control system, changing it’s previous meaning.

It was done very skillfully, taking into consideration Stargates and Parades of Planets.

As a result, the system changed, and the population was divided into classes: slaves, workers, nobility, pharaohs, etc. Then antagonism between classes was nurtured, and degradation processes were launched. And all this was supported by constant broadcast of fear.

Now is the time for reverse processes. The stars are so arranged that the whole System can turn over. Therefore, in order to stabilize this System, to keep it going, bloody sacrifices (wars) are constantly required. 

Two seals have already been opened, they are not working now. It's a voice and action. The liberation of consciousness is on the way. In addition, the time seal began loosen up. Time seal is the most important thing for them. If it opens, then the entire space before our era will crumble, all the illusion and lies will go away.

Let’s return to the Egyptian Priests. By them we mean those who rule the world and incite discord between nations.

They hide behind people's bodies, but they can take various forms. All this time they are present in our space, where certain cycles are constantly restarted.

And while we are in the dark, we cannot get out of this loop.

When 5 seals are opened, and this largely depends on the processes taking place on the following territories: in Russia, Mongolia, Brazil, Indochina, South Africa, Spain and Antarctica, the veil will fall off people's eyes, they will gain freedom. In these territories, the degree of freedom is higher than in the rest of the world. When the loop closes, there will be no way out for the Egyptian Hierophants, then the entire control system will change.

So far, three of the Hierophants have been manifested, and one of them is very strong, since he has a single consciousness of the multitude. They control the Illuminati, which we talked about in one of our previous lectures.

Their echoes began to be present back in the time of the second matrix, but they openly manifested themselves in the 1st century BC. This is the part that is present in the darkness. This is a predicament of Kali Yuga, when any pure light was taken over.

What should we do?

People need to 

FIRST, affirm the Light and your position on all points, out of the purest heart, for example:








and Declare the Right to Create a New Reality Within Yourself

SECOND, overcome the fear of life, because if this is not done, there will be no life anyways.

THIRD, to unite on the basis of translating Light in order to change the existing paradigm now"

This is the end of the transcription.  But I want you to really look on the last sentence.  To share your Light is something every human being can do, through kindness, sincerity,  innocence, intimacy, love with their friends and family. To come together with others to combine their Light into a very powerful source of Light is a gift to Humanity.  This is why I asked help with these writings, I realised, energetically,  its a lot for me to handle by myself, and surely soon after I got burnt out.  There is a lot going on in this world and only together we have a chance to do something big for Humanity.  If anyone feel called to help me with this project, please do.  In any way you can.  I need it.  If you keep me in your awareness, in your prayers, help me with editing, or any other way, this really helps, because your light will merge with mine and we will be stronger and will be able to do more. 

Also, when you find yourself in a strong Spirit and affirm yourself and your right to create a new reality within yourself, this is not a mantra, its enough to do once, but powerful, with all your inner conviction.  So don't rush, let the Spirit take you.  And, for example, even if you don't manage your time, most people don't, affirm it anyways as you are, and one day you find yourself outside of the matrix's time clock, it will happen, this is how you create your own reality within yourself.  Its our innate right that we didn't even know about, living in Dark times, because it was hidden from us intentionally.  

If you want to share with others your Declaration, please do, send it to me, I will include these sharings in a next Portal, lets get the Light going !  We are very powerful, because we are all over this planet and we can weave a web of Light with our Intent together! Just write your Declaration, it can be as simple as example above, or as creative as you want! Put your name or initials and city/country you live in.  

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🔥The PORTAL Part 17🔥 For Brave and Curious. And Very Important Declaration!

This writing will be two parts, and they are not connected to each other, if you want to skip my personal story and read only about Egyptian...

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