Wednesday, October 9, 2024

🙏 How to cultivate the SPIRIT Part 8. Practice on ACCELERATION of the IMPULSE 💫

If you been following these writings and translations, you got the main idea, guys, that men are not connected with their Spirit and lost many life-
creating and life-affirming qualities.  They are now in a disempowered position, but having no clue that they are.  But those of you who feel that you are here for MORE, keep reading.

If you remember from Part 7:

"The restriction of freedoms is associated with the suppression of impulse. An impulse is a manifestation of the absolute qualities in the moment."
I found information about the impulse, how to accelerate it.  I translated some of it, there is a practice that I though was very interesting. 

Bellow is translation:

Every person has had a moment in their life when they were inspired. This was the moment of Union. At that moment, you realize that everything is possible, that there are no barriers, and that you are capable of doing something more than before. At such moments, all the energy inside and around a person is transformed and becomes high-frequency. This degree of voltage is sufficient to conduct high-energy particles and their movement in the system. A high-frequency impulse begins to be generated in the nodes of the light network, and life begins to play with new colors. Practice: 1. Try to close your eyes and remember the moment when you were inspired. (do it 3 minutes) 2. Then try to set a general rhythm for your field. Our task, remembering the moment of Inspiration, is to ensure that hight frequency energy begins to form in the general field. (do it for 12 minutes) If we manage to stay in this state, then processes at the submolecular level are triggered. First, they are launched in the field, and then in the inner spaces of a person.The inner spaces of a person begin to work, releasing the energy necessary for the transformation. Based on degree of presence of Consciousness within this process, either more or less qualitative changes will occur in a man and the environment. But in any case the system will live and breathe differently, become more holistic.
Pay attention to the POTENTIAL that will manifest itself, and how TIME will be transformed inside your system. This time should not be wasted! The whole system of the Big Cosmos is aimed at giving a man the opportunity to maximize this life, to spend these energies where he is incarnated at present.
Therefore, if the vector of a person's Consciousness is already aimed at certain direction, he should not waste time,
but start acting.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

🙏 How to cultivate the SPIRIT Part 7. RESTRICTION OF FREEDOMS

The restriction of freedoms is associated with the suppression of impulse. An impulse is a manifestation of the absolute qualities in the moment.
It's not even about the speed of the impulse, but about the fact that a man's impulse does not have enough fire to conduct energy or fill in something.
In fact, everything is born out of everything. But when the impulse is empty, nothing happens. The system freezes, and life begins to degrade. There is no connection with the higher aspect. Therefore, all existing energy sources cannot communicate with each other. As a result, life ceases to be endless. In a limited environment, a person's thoughts are also limited. The Ethereal layer is like a vacuum, it is empty. As a result, there is a limitation of the Spirit. Because of this, genetic mutations and degeneration occur, and then the phenotype changes. Now it is not so common to find proportionally built bodies. The shape has changed a lot. And since any space in which people live is very strongly connected to them, then space also becomes insufficient. The Spirit, like Consciousness, forms conscious environment. This is the task of men in the first place. (...) And if men don't take responsibility for it, THEN OTHERS FORM IT. And then staying in this environment primarily turns against them. By turning himself into a small person, a man-creator, a man, deprives himself of life, killing his Spirit. He limits his freedom by not allowing the Spirit to manifest and connect with a Source. In addition, he reduces the time of his life and creative realization. People think of the restriction of freedom as the restriction of something external. Few people think about how to make sure that there is more inner freedom, and as a result, everything else changes. Inner freedom is directly related to the balance of spiritual and material and to the impeccable manifestation of the fire impulse, as a particle of the Spirit in the space where you live. By making a choice in favor of this, a man can completely transform his reality, adding life and meaning to the space in which he lives.

QUESTION: Can you explain what "inner freedom" is, how can a man feel it, understand whether he has it or not? ANSWER: We are talking about the position of the Light. Inner freedom for a person is when his inner light: a) revealed and b) manifested. And if he was squeezed here, squeezed there, and, in most cases, he squeezed himself without realizing it, then this is the deprivation of that very inner freedom. 

Next:  HOW TO accelerate the Impulse:

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🙏 How to cultivate the SPIRIT Part 8. Practice on ACCELERATION of the IMPULSE 💫

If you been following these writings and translations, you got the main idea, guys, that men are not connected with their Spirit and lost ma...

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